Caveman Alien's Treasure - Calista Skye Page 0,65

bulge in his kilt.

“Something even better,” he says and sits down beside me.

Heat starts to rise in my center. He has that look in his eyes. “Drinking juice?”

He swings one leg over me and straddles my hips, forcing me to lean back and supporting me with one strong arm. “Try again.”

“Oh my… um. Gathering guano?”

“Something pleasant.” He lifts my dress up, and I eagerly lift my butt so he can slide it up around my waist.

My brain has trouble concentrating. “Watching… trees?”

He kisses my mouth, hard and insistent, then pulls my dress as high up as it will go and licks up my stomach, pushing my thighs apart at the same time. “Doesn’t sound that pleasant. Guess again.”

“Do you mean… do you mean…?”

He places a soft kiss right on my bare slit. “What?”

“Oh good skies. Do you mean… Worship?”

He looks up at me from between my thighs. “You know about that?”

“I’ve heard of it,” I say hoarsely. How can he turn me on this much in just thirty seconds?

He gets comfortable and lies down, spreading my legs and opening me for his eyes and his mouth. There’s a confidence in his movements, as if he has done this many times before. But of course, he hasn’t. It’s just that every tribe’s shaman tells the young men about what to do when they meet the mythical Mother of Xren in the jungle, and apparently they’re supposed to eat her out the first chance they get. So he has studied this activity, in a way.

He kisses all around the main event, just hot little pecks that increase the tension and stretches my patience. I hope he has some understanding for me not having access to razors or wax, but I’m the first woman he’s seen like this and if he’s like most guys, he doesn’t care.

Thankfully, he doesn’t just tease me for too long before he goes right for it, lightly but also with determination. I can’t keep track of everything he does down there, but I know he does it very, very right. I get the impression that he’s enjoying himself, that he’s been dreaming and fantasizing about what this might be like. That takes some of the pressure off me. Instead of being rushed, I can enjoy it and let everything happen naturally.

At this rate, it won’t even take me long.

A caveman is eating my pussy.

I almost come just thinking it. A freaking caveman. A real one. Big and alien, too. It’s easy to forget it, because he’s so human. But he is also totally different.

Moaning in unashamed horniness, I spread myself even wider for that talented and most definitely textured tongue of his. My whole pussy is heating up, sending signals further into the tunnel and preparing it all for good things to come.

I actually wouldn’t mind a hard, alien cock in me right now. But I think Brank’ox is going somewhere with this, and he’s not far from the goal. My clit is more than ready, so if he now—

“Oh yeaaaahhh!” I groan, bucking uncontrollably as he slides his tongue across my needy flesh and sets off fireworks. Then he just stays there, sucking and licking and swirling and taking the control away from me, forcing me to give in.

I hold my breath as the wave builds, and then I just whimper and squeal as the climax wins and I can go with the flow.

Brank’ox slows down, but doesn’t stop. And I swear there’s something vibrating right at my clit, making my climax harder and longer. I tremble and shake for a good while as the orgasm ebbs, ever so slowly.

Finally, I have to push his head away. “I’m getting a little sore.”

He gets up and starts preparing dinner while I come back to my senses.

“Now you know what Worship means.”

I reluctantly sit up, dizzily supporting myself on straight arms. “I really do. I could get used to that kind of worship.”

“Then I have good news for you: you will get used to it.”

“I almost hope I won’t. I’d want it to always be this good.”

“Mmm. I’m sure I’ll get better. This was my first time.”

“Oh sweet raptor. Better than this?”

He smirks, satisfied with himself, and deservedly so. “Now I have someone to practice on.”

I scratch my head through messy hair, then try to smooth it down. “I hope you mean me.”

He chops up pieces of not-sheep meat, casually and as accurately as a French chef. “You have so many hopes, my love. On Xren, being too hopeful Copyright 2016 - 2024