Caveman Alien's Treasure - Calista Skye Page 0,63

new chief. I care not who it might be.”

I’m stunned. “You could have been chief of your old tribe, and you turned it down so you could join ours?”

“It was an easy choice. Your tribe has a reason for being, something to work towards. I like that. It suits me. My old tribe… sometimes I felt like we were only passing the time until death. What was the use of becoming a Swordmaster then? What could I have done as a chief? Not as much as I can do as a regular tribesman in your tribe.”

I straighten up and come in to kiss him. “You are unbelievable.”

He nods. “Sometimes, I can barely believe it myself.”

I look up at him. “Do you know what happens to unbelievable swordmasters who work tirelessly towards a goal and who could have been chief at the age of mid-twenties at most, but don’t tell anyone, so you have to drag it out of them?”

“They get tired after all.”

“No. That’s not it. What happens is that they get blowjobs.”

He nods. “Yes, of course. I thought you meant apart from that. I know that. Certainly.”

I put both hands on his thighs, high up. “Do you know what a blowjob is?”

“Yes, yes. Everyone knows what that alien word means. But now I want to check. Do you know what it is? Explain it to me in your own words.”

I squeeze his thighs and move my hands further up, under his loincloth. “I can either explain it or show you. One or the other. Take your pick.”

“Ah. Tell me, which one would you pick in my position— oh, holy Ancestors. Please show me. Don’t explain. I choose being shown. Right now, please. Show me.”

My hands slide up under his loincloth and casually grab his hard cock between them. “Are you sure?” I tease. “Maybe you just want me to describe it? Very carefully?”

His cock twitches hard in my hands. “I don’t want that. I hereby request that you show me.”

I won’t torture him any longer. “Okay. Then lose this.” I tug at the hem of his loincloth. It’s too tight to just push out of the way.

He quickly undoes it, and his cock stands skywards, eager and strange. The similarity to a totem pole is actually pretty striking. Except I’m pretty sure this is harder than any wood.

“Now sit back and just enjoy,” I say confidently, even though I’m not an expert at this. Not at all. But I think this is one of those things where it’s hard to get it wrong, as long as I keep my teeth out of the way as much as possible.

I give the exotic shaft a lick, then make the whole upper part as wet as I can.

Brank’ox just groans and gives off strained little breaths. “Crazy…”

I open up as wide as possible, then take the first inch into my mouth. It’s smooth and warm on my tongue, silky with a steel core. If I don’t take it too deep, this could work just fine.

I slide a little further down, noting that I can’t fit even half of it inside. Hopefully, the upper part is the most sensitive. Probably, the best way would be to make my mouth feel as much as possible like my pussy does.

I tighten my lips as much as I can without involving the teeth too much. I’m immediately rewarded by a groan from Brank’ox, so it must be working. But I suspect just about anything would feel good to him in this situation.

I bob my head up and down a little, trying to involve my tongue for added tightness. I’m pretty much fucking my own mouth on his cock, and the sheer primal joy of that sets off some happy tingles in me, too.

I add one hand to the sliding motion, to involve more of the shaft.

Brank’ox twitches and jerks, and it can’t be more than a couple of minutes before he moans a warning.

I take my mouth off, but keep my hand moving up and down. His hips buck and he grunts deeply as hard sprays shoot out of him, flying many feet and falling down into the alien weirdness.

I keep my hand on his cock, happy and proud that it worked this well. “You okay there, warrior love?”

“Very okay,” he pants, laying his head back. “Holy Ancestors… how did you come up with that idea?”

I decide against telling him about the existence of porn. “It just came to me.”

“So many things just come to you,” Copyright 2016 - 2024