Caveman Alien's Treasure - Calista Skye Page 0,57

too close. In time, there will be a village here. Or nearby.”

I raise my eyebrows. “There will?”

“Your tribe – our tribe – is growing fast, and the village is already the largest anyone has seen. There are many children of all kinds, both males and females. In time, the tribe will grow out of the village. Some will make other villages nearby. Then further away until there are many of them, very large villages with big houses, connected by wide paths. This place will be attractive for the same reasons that we are here now. It is in the nature of alien females to spread their offspring all across a planet. Or so I hear.”

His deep voice is very pleasant to listen to. I wish he’d say more. “Mmm. Yeah. Where did you hear that?”

“The men talk about it. The married men know much about the planet you came from, and the upper part of Bune that flew through the air away from here contains much that is similar to your world, they say.”

I lean my head into his shoulder. “Say more.”


I lightly punch his arm. “You know what I mean. I like hearing your voice.”

“I see. Well, there’s not much more to say about it. Many years from now, this place will be a large village. Maybe this will be the center of it. An ancient place where people go to see how their ancestors lived. To marvel at the alienness of the place. To see the strange wooden contraptions where the legendary Dolly made her mysterious things that were so important to the tribe.”

“You think so?”

“Oh, without question. Dolly is the legendary explorer and experimenter. Everything she did will be well known to them. They will raise many totem poles for you, as high as the highest tree. And then even higher. Made from pure guano.”

I chuckle and squeeze his hard thigh. “You know, that sounds like exactly what our descendants would do. What about Brank’ox? What is his totem pole made from?”

It’s his turn to chuckle. “Oh, nobody will have heard of Brank’ox. He did nothing of interest. And he’s fine with that. Being forgotten can be a good thing.”

“I don’t think he’ll be forgotten,” I state. “If Dolly will be famous, then Brank’ox will, too. After all, he is the man she loves.”

The evening is still for a moment, a moment that keeps getting longer, until I start to regret having said it.

Then a thick arm descends on my shoulders, and he pulls me closer. “And Brank’ox loves Dolly. It just takes him a while to understand, because it’s new to him.”

I sigh in relief and bliss, leaning into him and letting his scent fill my lungs. I want to be as close to him as possible. “It’s new to me, too.”

We just sit there as the jungle around us gets darker and the stars come out above us.

“Perhaps, they will build a totem pole to both of us,” Brank’ox finally suggests.

“Perhaps. Or perhaps this is the only totem pole I need.” I reach down and grab his hard, pulsating cock from outside the loincloth. “It’s certainly big enough.”

“Hmm,” he ponders and cups one breast over my dress. “It might look strange in the middle of the village.”

“I don’t want it in the middle of the village,” I purr.

“Oh. Then where do you want it?”

“Maybe you can guess?”

“I can try,” he says. “Let me see. Do you want it in the guano cave?” He lightly pinches my upper arm.


“In the creek by the village?” He touches the back of my head.


“Do you want it in Bune?” He strokes one nipple from outside the dress.

“Oh. No.”

“Maybe in my old village?” His hand moves down my front and strokes my stomach.

“No. But you’re on the right track.”

“Ah. You want it in the army camp?” The hand continues down, takes a sharp left before it gets anywhere interesting, and lightly touches my knee.

“I really don’t.”

“I see. Maybe you want the totem pole in the old rekh nest?” He touches the other knee.

“You must be the worst guesser in the world.”

“I think I’ve got it. Maybe you want it to move from the rekh nest and a little closer to the sun.” His finger slowly slides up my thigh, making for the inside.

“That… is not a bad guess.” The breath sticks in my throat.

The finger slides on. “But won’t it get really hot close to the sun?”

“Maybe.” I’m not even sure what I’m saying, with his cock throbbing in my Copyright 2016 - 2024