Caveman Alien's Treasure - Calista Skye Page 0,48

The spot is right next to the water barrel where the men go when they’re thirsty, so I end up drinking so much water it causes comment.

But so be it. I want to keep an eye on her, and sometimes I see her head or even her face over the various huts between me and her. She looks happy, and she sometimes laughs and smiles. There’s another woman there with her, and it seems like she’s having a good time. It warms my heart to see that. I suppose I could just go over there and check on her.

Yes. I will.

As soon as this instruction session is over, I will cross the fence. We’re not supposed to do that unless invited, but I doubt anyone will stop me.

Having made the decision, a giddy happiness fills me. “Slash it, don’t thrust. They have tough scales, harder than any Big. Let the blade do the work for y—”

My heart skips a beat. She’s here.

By the totem pole, looking lost. Wearing her hair in a way I haven’t seen it before, just collected at the back of her neck and hanging loosely from there.

“Keep going,” I command, my voice suddenly hoarse and my crotch suddenly swelling. “Take no breaks, keep fighting. I’ll be right back.”

I walk quickly over to her. It will be good for the men to practice without me watching their every move.

“Greetings, Dolly.”

She spins around. “Oh! Hi, Brank’ox. I just…”

She’s wearing the same dress she wore on our trip. Her skin is tanned and her chest bulging. Her hands are dirty with dust, and she has dark streaks across her face. She smells fresh and female.

I fixate on her eyes. Were they always this bright and clear?

“I see,” I say nonsensically, but I don’t care. I didn’t realize how much I missed her presence.

“Yeah,” she responds. “Are you… all right? I just wanted to…”

I feel a sheepish smile spread on my face. Did she come here just to see me? “Yes, me too.”

She smiles shyly. “Okay. So…”

I sense other men staring at us. “I’m glad to see you. Come and watch us prepare for fighting dragons.”

She blinks in the most adorable, heart-warming way. “Oh. I really just… yes, okay.”

I walk by her side over to the training area, trying to think of something smart to say. Why must I be so tongue-tied now? “How is the… the soap?”

“We’re making more. Jennifer is helping. Actually, that’s kind of why I came here. I mean, to see you.”

We come to a stop behind the training men. “Ah. Yes. Warrior Nux’tan, if your blade touches the ground one more time, I will break it across my knee and you can fight with half a sword.”

“Because Delyah wants me to make something,” Dolly continues. “But I can’t do it here. It has to be in the jungle. Or somewhere like that.”

Are her eyelashes supposed to be that long and dense, and still delicate?

“The jungle is always dangerous,” I lamely state the obvious as her female scent penetrates my nose and vividly reminds me how I did some penetration of my own. Was it only a couple of days ago? Feels like a lifetime.

“Exactly!” she says, as if I just revealed a profound insight. “And I may need someone to protect me.”

I discreetly put my hands in front of my crotch. “You will.”

“So could you… I mean, I know you have duties here, but I felt so safe last time…”

“Yes!” I hurry to say before anyone else can volunteer. Not that anyone is listening, but I don’t want to take any chances with this. “I will escort you in the jungle. If Chief Brax’tan allows it.”

“Yes, of course,” she says and nods. “I’ll ask Delyah. She usually gets her way about those things. Oh my, is he okay?”

Nux’tan has stumbled in his attack and lost control of his sword so that it’s nicked his calf, of all places.

I sigh. “Warrior, it boggles the mind how it’s even possible to do that. Are your hands tired? Show me.”

Nux’tan re-sheaths his sword, comes over, and reaches his sword hand out.

I take it, feeling the uncontrollable tremble. “Squeeze my hand as hard as you can.”

I can barely feel the added pressure. “I think that’s enough for today. Get a piece of clay this big.” I show him. “Then hold it in your palm and squeeze it as hard as you can. A thousand squeezes a day per hand until your arms can handle fighting for a full hour. Copyright 2016 - 2024