Caveman Alien's Treasure - Calista Skye Page 0,41

says. “If just one of the dragons was able to get its claws on some gold, it could Change to dragon form and kill a whole bunch of us before we could stop it.”

“So, we have definitely given up trying to kill the dragons?” I carefully ask. “I mean, we have an army that exists for that exact purpose.”

“I think,” Mia says slowly, “that we don’t want to kill a whole bunch of sentient beings just because they belong to the wrong species. Remember, they aren’t mythical beings. They’re just aliens.”

“It would be easier,” Aurora says. “Just saying. I’m also not a fan of just killing them outright. Scaring them one at a time would be impossible. Killing ten of them and letting the rest know that we’re coming for them, too, is just about the only thing that could work. Even dragons couldn’t ignore that.”

Sophia puts a piece of wood on the fire. “If the dragons are getting weak from a lack of hoards, how long can they take it before they start to die of hoard-starvation?”

“I asked Kyandros,” Mia says. “They won’t die. They will continue to live in this weakened state indefinitely. But they’re not so weak that they’re harmless. They will always be deadly and really hard to kill.”

I finish my stew and glance up at Brank’ox. I think he feels a little out of place, sitting with us. He’s keeping very quiet, anyway. But he was never the most talkative guy. And he can’t understand a word we say.

“Sure you don’t want to learn English?” I ask him.

“Less and less sure with each moment,” he says very sincerely, causing the girls to chuckle.

“Maybe we should start a school for the men,” Sophia suggests. “Teaching them English. No, just kidding. They have better things to do with their time—”

“Swordmaster Brank’ox,” a voice calls from behind me.

It’s Chief Brax’tan, coming towards us.

Brank’ox unhurriedly gets to his feet. “Chief.”

Brax’tan glances at me. “You have brought back your charge?”

“I’ve brought Dolly back, if that’s what you mean.”

Brax’tan stops and stands there, broad-legged and authoritarian. “That is what I mean. Are you unharmed, Dolly?”

“I am,” I assure him.

Brax’tan looks Brank’ox up and down. “You also appear to have sustained no bad injuries, yourself, although I can see you have been in serious combat. Well done, warrior. Some would say just one escort would be too few. Now we know if that one escort is Brank’ox, that is sufficient. Of course, we all knew that already. Swordmaster, you are excused from all guard and patrol duties until midday tomorrow.” He turns around and walks off.

Brank’ox sits down again, a little bit flushed with what I think is pride. It makes my insides warm, too. He totally deserves it.

It has been dark for a good while when he finally gets up again. “Thank you for trusting me,” he says. “It was a fine mission.”

I’m not sure what to say, and many options run through my mind. Stay here. Let’s take another walk right now. I want you to see my collection of interesting leaves. Play your harp. Come spend the night in my hut. And if we were alone, I might have picked one of those.

“It was,” I finally end up with. “Thank you, too.”

Then the huge warrior walks towards the army section of the village with limber, powerful steps.

“So, when’s the wedding?” Sophia asks, smiling.

“What wedding is that?” I counter. I’m not going to bite. I have no idea where this thing with Brank’ox and me is going. If I have an ounce of sense in me, I will make sure it goes nowhere.

“Hey, I’ve seen that look on a girl’s face before,” she persists. “And he is a really special one. Just saying. No rush.”

“Hmph,” I sniff theatrically. “I knew married people are always trying to get their friends to get married, too. But I’ve known him all of two days. Yeah, he’s cool. But if it’s wedding bells you want, then you have time to both cast them and learn to play Love Yourself on them before they’ll chime for me.”

She laughs and reaches over to squeeze my knee. “Fair enough, Dolly. I just enjoy seeing you like this. Hey, you’re home in one piece, and that’s all that matters. So, what’s the story with the Old Bune site now? Not much left?”

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It must be close to midnight before I make my way to the hut I share with Jennifer. Yeah, that is just another reason I Copyright 2016 - 2024