Caveman Alien's Treasure - Calista Skye Page 0,19

to like it.”

We finish lunch and walk down the hill to the cluster of white trees, me a little unsteadily on my feet after Brank’ox only drank half of the cup and left the other half for me.

I cut a V-shape in the bark of two of the trees, and slowly a whitish sap trickles out and drips down the trunk. Putting a pot under it, I realize it will take a long time to fill. It also doesn’t look the way I was hoping it would if it were rubber. I was picturing a real liquid, like milk, just slightly more viscous and, well, rubbery. Whereas this is some really sticky and slow-flowing stuff that looks more like dirty maple syrup.

I get some on my finger and taste it.

“Blech!” I spit it out and look desperately around for a bush of Cathay Blue to get the horrific taste out of my mouth. Nope, that was definitely not syrup.

Brank’ox smirks. “Be careful what you put in your mouth. The jungle has many ways to kill you.”

There’s no Cathay Blue nearby, so I have to keep spitting and rubbing my tongue on the sleeve of my dress. “You think… ftthhh… you think it’s poisonous?”

“That kind of sap is sometimes used as glue in my old tribe. I wouldn’t eat lots of it, but I doubt it will kill you.”

“How do they… tchhh... prepare it? Do they boil it?”

“That’s right. It becomes easier to use when warm. But the smell is not good. How is the taste?”

I spit again. “It’s delicious. Bpppth. You should try it.”

“Maybe later. I’m still full from lunch.”

“That’s fine. I’ll... bleeoch... put some in your dinner later.”

“I look forward to it. Here, try this instead.” He takes a small, wooden box out of his belt pouch and opens it. Inside are lots of little balls the size of M&Ms, all a dull black.

I pick one out of the box and peer at it. “Will it set me on fire?”

Brank’ox takes one out himself and pops it into his mouth. “I’m not sure. Try it and let’s see. If you burst into flames, I may attempt to put it out.”

I eye the black little ball of unknown contents. “May attempt?!”

He shrugs. “If that actually sets you on fire, then you might have bigger problems than just the flames. I may choose to escape.”

I think he’s teasing me.

The little ball smells pretty good, so I take my chances and put it in my mouth. “Minty.”

I chew it, ready to spit it out. But it has already banished the chemical taste of the sap, and it does have a vaguely peppermint flavor. Plus a whole bunch of different herbs that together create a flavor that’s both appealing and strong.

Brank’ox looks at me. “Feeling hotter? Any sparks?”

“Not yet. I guess I’m not a fire hazard, after all. Okay, it’s good. How many different kinds of herbs are in this?”

“A few. It’s for cleaning one’s mouth and teeth after eating.”

I suck on the Stone Age lozenge as it dissolves in my mouth. “It’s like Ricola, except stronger. Thanks.”

Brank’ox puts the box back in his pouch. “Better than your sap?”

“Maybe. Just a little.”

The trickles have become steady streams, and both pots are about a quarter full already.

“Wonderful. Then we might—” Brank’ox stops mid-sentence and stiffens, then slowly turns around, the sword bare in his hand.

“What?” I whisper to his broad back.

He holds up one finger: be quiet.

Then I hear it too, and I go cold. That’s the screech of a not-dactyl. Or indeed a swarm of them.

Of course. This is the old location of Bune. That was always a hotspot for not-dactyls.

A coldness spreads through me. That first day on this planet, when we were attacked by that swarm. One of them caught me in its talons, lifted me high into the air, and carried me and many of the other girls to another place in the jungle. I can still feel the cold, steely claws of that flying horror on my arms and shoulders. At every point of that horrific experience, I was sure I was going to die. Either dropped to the ground or squeezed to death by the claws or just plain eaten by the dactyl.

These screeches are definitely getting closer. My hands are suddenly trembling.

Brank’ox looks up. “They’re coming,” he hisses. “We’re not safe here.”

We are in among the trees, but the canopy of leaves is pretty open above us and, any dactyl up there could easily spot us.

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