Caught Between Two Blue Aliens - Celia Kyle Page 0,82

considered one of the prime locations on our home world for Oso claiming.”

She bit her lip. “Oh.” And now she understood what they’d done. These two had crafted what they considered to be the most meaningful and romantic location for their wedding night, because to them that’s what this was—the moment when they would all become one, when their relationship would lock into a life-long commitment. And they wanted it to be special.

Her heart melted and her body warmed with anticipation. “I think…I love it and it’s beautiful…and…” she murmured, approaching the table, “I could use a drink to take all this in.” Because, in a matter of minutes she was going to be claimed by these two huge Drokten and dammit, she needed a drink before this happened.

She put her hand under Hiren’s to help him keep pouring the third glass, and when it was about three-quarters full (“a big girl glass” as Jade would have called it), she brought it to her lips and took a massive gulp.

“No!” both Hiren and Sevith blurted at once, rushing toward her.

Jenna yelped and spilled some onto the white marble floor. “What?!” she said, eyes flitting between them. “Is this stuff real? It’s not just grape juice, is it?”

“It is very real, I swear,” Hiren said, still looking concerned. “We know that humans enjoy a bit of inebriation, which is why we brought this for you. But we do not wish for you to drink too much too quickly and...then think we were trying to make you do anything you did not wish to do,” he explained.

Jenna stared for a moment, then burst out laughing. “Don’t worry about that. I…” She quickly gulped more wine and took another deep breath before continuing. “I want ‘this’ to happen, I just need some liquid courage to get my mind off my nerves. I mean, it’s not like I’ve ever had sex with two men at once before,” she explained in a hurry as she set her glass on the table, unable to believe she was even saying such things.

She knew the logistics. They’d both want her at once and that was what she wanted too; it was just intimidating. She bit her lip. She had three bodily openings and she had no idea which ones they’d choose to fill tonight.

Her words seemed to stun the two Drokten to silence, and for a moment, she wondered if she’d broken them. The triad was silent for a beat before something in the peaceful setting...changed. She felt an urgent, pressing need to be close to them, and she felt it echoed off of them in return.

“If that is the case, my Oso,” Sevith said, stalking around Jenna as if she was his prey, “then allow us to take your mind off your nerves.”

Hiren stepped toward her, and before Jenna could speak a strong pair of hands squeezed her hips from behind. She gasped when Sevith instantly spun her around to face him. He pulled her hips against his, and she felt the thickness of his shaft under his clothes.

He lowered his lips to hers and took a possessive, hungry kiss. Jenna’s body shivered as she felt the subtle yet powerful growl from deep within the alien warrior’s blue chest. His tongue pushed through her lips and met hers while he ground his hips left to right against her, slowly. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back with all the passion locked inside of her.

A second pair of large, strong hands reached around from behind her and cupped her breasts. Her heart fluttered at Hiren’s skilled touch. One husband was pressed behind her, and the other in front of her. It was wonderful, being taken by two Drokten warriors. Sevith’s motions were strong and primal, while Hiren moved with precise, sensuous care. The only thing that was exactly the same between them was a burning desire for her that Jenna could very literally feel. That was the most shocking part of being between them. She had been sensing their lust whenever she was close to the guys, but now, it was more pronounced than ever and even more impossible to ignore.

Hiren pressed his hard cock against her ass while he lightly pinched her nipples through the fabric of her dress, causing her pussy to gush with anticipation. They pressed closer as her knees weakened, keeping her upright. Sevith continued to kiss her, and she thought she’d die from the perfection. This was the Copyright 2016 - 2024