Caught Between Two Blue Aliens - Celia Kyle Page 0,80

wildlife on Drokt was like. Both of them grinning as excitedly as schoolboys.

Jenna pointed to the bed at the far end of the room. “That looks a little different from Bea’s,” she said, referring to the gadgetry surrounding the headboard. “What does it do?”

Hiren beamed. “That,” he said, “is our medical staff’s pride and joy right now. My medical team has found that Noah’s lung condition is not unheard of among our own species. This sleeping chamber will administer a completely noninvasive treatment in the air each night that will make it easier for him to breathe throughout the day. Paired with the sterile air here on the ship, Noah should have no further problems breathing until we arrive on Drokt, where he can undergo a med bay procedure that will give him a permanent cure and leave him symptom-free.”

His Oso had tears in her eyes. “Thank you. You don’t know how much that means to me.” She slipped her arms around Hiren, and he returned the gesture.

Bea appeared in the doorway of her room with wide eyes. “There’s music!” Drokten war chants echoed from her room, and Sevith laughed as he approached.

“Of course there is! Hiren and I will be glad to show some of our favorites. You might even find an instrument you would like to learn.”

“You’re going to spoil them, you know,” Jenna said with a broad grin.

Hiren hugged Jenna to him, and Sevith joined immediately after, squeezing her between them so tightly she squeaked.

“All to spoil you by extension, of course,” Hiren teased. “Is it working?”

“Maybe.” She laughed, blushing furiously, and Hiren grinned to Sevith.

“Closest we’ve gotten to a ‘yes’ so far,” he said.

“She’ll be ready soon,” Hiren said with a meaningful look at Sevith. “You can sense her arousal too. Can’t you? Tonight is the night.”

“Sssh,” Jenna said. “You guys…”

“We’ll take it,” Hiren said out loud to Jenna with a kiss on the cheek as the kids disappeared into their rooms. Afterward he added in a husky whisper, “And you, too.”


Barely an hour later, Noah and Bea were in bed asleep for their first night aboard the Avash.

Jenna walked between Hiren and Sevith, wrapped in the warmth of their combined love. Neither of them had said that word yet, and she hadn’t either, but she clearly felt their deep emotions for her, which was comforting.

She’d agreed to move here today and start this new life together. She wasn’t visiting this time—this was for real. This battleship was her new home. And Jade was coming over tomorrow for a visit.

Jenna had been expecting the shuttle trip over with Noah and Bea to be utterly nerve-wracking, but her men had gone above and beyond to make them all feel welcome. And the rooms for the kids had been amazing. It made her heart swell with joy to see her brother and sister both so excited and to see the care and attention her two husbands, and the Drokten crew had taken in trying to create spaces that were perfect for each of her siblings.

Ever since their parents had died, Jenna had wanted nothing more than to give those two the childhoods they might’ve had before the Zignill invaded. And now she understood that the Drokten could give them something better, which made her happy about their future for the first time in a long time.

Noah would be cured of his illness and she’d never again have to worry about either of them being taken from her. This was the gift these two men had given her and her small family. And now, Hiren and Sevith were also part of that family.

“Where are we going?” she asked as they stepped out of the elevator to a lower deck and rounded a corner into a narrow hallway. “I guess I thought we’d go to your room. Or my room? But now we’re really far away from where we left my brother and sister. How is this going to work? Whose bed do I even sleep in?” Sevith had mentioned that they would have a massive family bed on the Avash that was made especially for them and she was curious to see what it looked like.

“Our combined family room is on the deck we left, around the corner from where Noah and Beatrice are quartered,” Hiren said with a smile. “You will see it later. For now, we wanted to show you something special.”

“Something special? If you’re about to show me a Tuk race, Sevith already beat you to Copyright 2016 - 2024