Caught Between Two Blue Aliens - Celia Kyle Page 0,8

her from head to toe. Colorless hair was swept back from her exotic human features. Her teats looked full and the perfect size to cup in his hands. Her waist was narrow, the exact size to fit between the tips of his claws and her rounded ass… A growl rumbled in his chest. Her ass was perfection. He stared at her, entranced by her movement and the subtle sway of her hips as she walked purposefully across the room. A strange tingling entered his body—a sense of anticipation. He could easily imagine this female in a large family bed, snuggled securely between him and his Bahn.

Who was this female?

Do you see what I’m seeing? his Bahn voiced in his mind.

Sevith glanced over to see that Hiren had moved over to join him, and they were now both staring slack-jawed at the same human female.

To the human observers at the party, it would merely appear as if Sevith and Hiren both silently stood side by side, watching the raucous crowd with intent gazes. Yet they were able to silently speak to each other through a natural telepathic link, with none the wiser. All the Drokten stationed on Earth were paired as they were—Azi and Bahn—and had this same innate ability.

Due to a devastating disease that swept their home planet, the Drokten now had few unmated females of their own species left to claim as Oso—mate. Sevith’s generation was forced to look elsewhere for breeding compatible mates, and it turned out, human females were a compatible species. All of the Drokten at this event were Azi-Bahn pairs, longing for the day they found their Oso to complete their family triad.

Drokten did not pleasure mate. By the time males reached maturity they’d already been identified and placed in either their Azi or Bahn categories. Sevith had met Hiren during their first mission together as Drokten warriors fresh out of academy and they immediately formed a comradery and their telepathy snapped into place right away, confirming their Azi-Bahn pairing.

The humans found the fact the Drokten mated in triads as “weird.” It was hard for them to understand this mating difference. But this was the way of their species for millennia. Sevith and Hiren both would remain sexually dormant until the day they met their Oso, who would awaken their pheromones with her touch and scent. They were in essence waiting for their mate to arrive so the second phase of their life could begin. Sevith and his Bahn had been focused on war and command, but he and Hiren often spoke of how they were now ready to slow down and focus on a mate and offspring.

But only with the right female. Was this delectable human female the right female? Their Oso?

Sevith’s nostrils flared. His cock felt, thick and itchy—almost enflamed. He shifted on his feet. What is wrong with me? Why am I reacting like this?

I feel it too, his Bahn answered with an edge of something unrecognizable to his thoughts.

And suddenly this evening was much more interesting.

I told you I thought someone would catch our eyes tonight, Hiren flashed him a grin.

There you go again, Sevith snorted, vaguely annoyed. Always hunting for an Oso.

It’s best to be prepared.

Is that why you’re wearing that odd human scent? Sevith asked, nose twitching.

They call it cologne.

Sevith privately conceded that something was uniquely nice about the bold, masculine scents humans liked to concoct. Even if he thought it was all somewhat excessive. Drokten were warriors with a military culture that had carried them across the stars. They did not need “cologne” to attract a female.

His life had recently devolved into nothing more than reports of Zignill activity, deploying warriors and waiting for them to come back empty-handed. That had been the routine for the warriors of the Avash recently, without much to shake up that cycle. It was as wasteful as it was frustrating, and Sevith’s temper was shorter than ever because of the unsuccessful hunts. It had been far too long since he and his troops had been in a proper fight.

You can brood after we get our Oso and start filling her with our offspring, Hiren interrupted.

I hope I don’t need to remind you, Sevith countered, that those two Drokten who happened to wind up with a human between them were just in the right place at the right time. On a battlefield. For all we know, it could have been the rush of battle that made things happen. It doesn’t mean Earth is Copyright 2016 - 2024