Caught Between Two Blue Aliens - Celia Kyle Page 0,77

him want to tear Wells apart right then and there, but he contained himself just enough not to actually eliminate his enemy in front of the other humans.

“Ambassador Hiren, this is a very serious matter you’ve brought to our attention,” the same woman said as half the room stood uneasily around Hiren’s display of power. “Secretary Wells was tasked with facilitating the cooperation of our species, and if these accusations are legitimate, we will take swift action to correct it.”

“This is all due to Jenna Perry’s accusations,” Wells barked at the others. “You aren’t listening to this alien-crazed woman, are you?”

Sevith wrapped a defensive arm around Jenna, holding her close.

“I’m the only one qualified for this position,” Wells continued. “He just wants someone spineless in my place so it’s easier for them to get the upper hand!”

“Secretary Wells,” one of the humans shouted back, “stop with these ridiculous outbursts.”

“If this male continues to threaten our triad and Jenna’s family,” Hiren snarled, half-tempted to thrust Wells through the window and let gravity be the judge of his crimes. “I will immediately eliminate him.” The humans didn’t realize how much restraint Hiren was exercising. It wasn’t unheard of for Drokten negotiations to turn violent from time to time.

Wells opened his mouth to comment and then quickly closed it. This was the only reason he remained alive.

“Mr. Wells, I am suspending your authority as a human representative at this facility,” the female in charge said, glaring at the secretary, “pending an investigation into the handling of the accords and a thorough character review. Effective immediately.”

“Madame President,” said another male at the table, bowing his head respectfully, “I sense there has been a gross miscarriage of diplomacy here. Drokten Main exists to foster friendliness between our two species, and Mr. Wells’ role was meant to round that out to its fullest potential. Regardless of seeing any evidence, I can tell that aspect has clearly been...mishandled,” he said with a glare at an incredulous Wells. “I fear there will be criminal charges.”

“I suggest,” Sevith spoke up, “that you consider assigning such jobs based on merit and experience. Someone who knows the details of human-Drokten relations intimately would be much more suited than some wealthy politician. Someone like Jenna Perry,” he didn’t fail to add, looking down affectionately at their Oso.

Hiren’s heart was pounding, and he allowed himself a triumphant smile at Wells, who clenched his jaw.

Their Oso elbowed Sevith in his side. “Don’t suggest me! And um, we can worry about all that later,” Jenna said with a nervous smile that diffused the tension in the room. Her voice alone soothed Hiren’s raging nerves. “All I want right now is to be able to claim these two Drokten as my husbands and live with them in peace.”

“I think we can all agree on that,” the high-ranking human female said, pressing a button on the conference table. “Security, please send an escort to Conference Room 44-B. I need one of our staff members detained for questioning. And, Miss Perry,” the female said, “I want you to know, on behalf of all of Earth’s governments, that we are happy for you and Commander Sevith as well as Ambassador Hiren. I am hoping you will let us create some sort of celebration to mark this occasion.”

Sevith gave the human a curt nod of approval. Their Oso gave a watery smile of gratitude.

“Take your time,” Hiren proclaimed to the group, not moving his arm an inch from where it held Wells’ uneasy form. “I’ve been waiting for the chance to watch him squirm.”


As entertaining as it was, making their enemies pay for their treachery, Hiren couldn’t have been more relieved to be back aboard the Avash.

The human authorities were eager to keep them talking at Drokten Main for as long as possible, mostly to make sure that he and Sevith weren’t about to pull out of Earth and trigger an intergalactic dispute. Hiren had no intention of that, but he hadn’t minded using that to their advantage in insisting on a hasty retreat.

They were long overdue for a rest, and what was more, they had family to tend to.

“I cannot believe this is real,” Bea said in an awe tinged voice.

Hiren walked down a long corridor of the ship with Jenna’s sister on one side and Noah on the other. Sevith and Jenna were bringing up the rear, mostly to ensure little Noah didn’t make a break for it the second he saw something interesting. And he was finding Copyright 2016 - 2024