Caught Between Two Blue Aliens - Celia Kyle Page 0,74

truth.” She took a deep breath. “Sevith, Hiren… When I was in that room with the aide, he instructed me to accept your offer to become your Oso, purely on the grounds that I would then be able to gather intel about you two and the Drokten. I would pass on intel to Wells and his entourage. They told me it was the noble thing to do and my only option. They said my loyalty lies with my home planet and my own kind.”

She noticed Sevith and Hiren visibly stiffen and she worried for a moment that she might lose them over this revelation, but she stood her ground. She knew it had to come out—now or never.

She stepped closer to the two blue aliens, a pleading look in her eyes, and to her relief, they didn’t back away from her an inch. “You have to understand. They threatened my family. They said they would take Bea and Noah away from me and lose them so deep in the foster care system that I would never get to see them again,” Jenna went on. “I-I couldn’t just let them do that. They’re not just my siblings. They’re practically like my own kids. I’m supposed to love and care for them. I was so lost. I didn’t know what to do. But believe me when I say I have resisted Wells every step of the way. I don’t want to betray you. In fact, I don’t ever want to be without you again. I don’t need a special ceremony or official paperwork to tell me what’s already in my own heart.”

“And what is that?” Hiren pressed her gently.

“Tell us. Be truthful.” Sevith’s tone was even softer than she expected.

Jenna took a deep breath. “I know my heart belongs to you—both of you. I didn’t think it was even possible. I used to dream about meeting a Drokten warrior and having a conversation, just learning more about your culture and ways. I was fascinated. I only now understand why. It was my heart, yearning to get closer to you even before I met you both. It was this deep, unquestionable urge I never understood. I didn’t let myself dwell on it too long in the past, but now it all makes perfect sense. I’ve finally found you and I don’t intend to lose you now—any of you. Whatever I have to do to make that happen, that’s what I’ll do. But the resistance wants me to decide between you and my species.”

“You should not have to sacrifice any part of yourself to be with us,” Hiren said. “Be brave, my Oso. Be strong. You have already overcome so much—the invasion of the Zignills and then keeping your family intact through great hardship. As far as I can see, there is nothing you cannot accomplish.”

“Hiren is correct. Take what you desire, seize it. Do not allow anyone, especially a male like Secretary Wells, to keep you from your prize,” Sevith declared.

Jenna nibbled her lip, looking back at her siblings and then at her mates. “But what will we do when Wells finds out I’m betraying him? I won’t spy for him. I won’t.”

Sevith and Hiren stood straighter, appearing as proud and powerful as ever. Jenna was so stunned by the subtle but potent shift in demeanor that it almost knocked her back a little, but she stood her ground.

A fiendish smirk cross Sevith’s face. “Do not concern yourself with the likes of Secretary Wells,” he warned.

Hiren agreed, “We will take care of him. All you have to do now, our Oso, is say yes.”

Jenna marched right up, closing the space between them. She stood on tiptoe to kiss them each on the cheek. Then, with a fire blazing in her eyes, she said, “Yes. Yes, I choose you. I choose both of you.”


The triad made its way through the Drokten Main with purpose in their stride.

Hiren led the pack this morning because this was his domain.

They made their way across the lobby. Jenna’s heels clicked as she walked, her hips swaying in the sexy new dress they’d purchased for her. Hiren wore his formal diplomatic black and gray chest plate, almost matching Sevith’s embossed commander plate. The two Drokten walked on either side of their female in protective formation. She stood between them as they entered the elevator. The sliding doors closed in front of them and Sevith coded in the exact floor they wanted. Then the lift began to move.

Meanwhile, Hiren couldn’t Copyright 2016 - 2024