Caught Between Two Blue Aliens - Celia Kyle Page 0,6

together and staring often at the Drokten. Whispering amongst themselves, they tried to get up the nerve to walk over and talk to them.

Was this some sort of old-fashioned matchmaking event?

She stood at the bar and looked around the room at large, trying to interpret the social exchange and the tone of the area. Yep. This was an event for finding a partner. Humans were making matches, but also, she could see some of the Drokten males were now chatting with a few of the young women.

A rush of jealousy hit her hard.

All of these single women in the room tonight were undoubtedly going to be introduced to the Drokten Azi/Bahn pairs and maybe some of them would be a match. Her gaze darted yet again to the mysterious Drokten as she tried to realistically imagine the idea of having two boyfriends. How would that work? What were the logistics of that kind of arrangement, in and out of bed?

Her cheeks flushed as x-rated images flashed through her mind.

No, no, no.

Everyone said these mysterious Drokten warriors worked, lived and mated in pairs, with the addition of one female and they all slept in one family bed together, every single night. As in, um, two husbands and one wife? People thought the alien’s mating habits were disgusting. But, personally, Jenna found the idea of two huge badass-warrior husbands perfectly delightful.

Did that make her weird? She wasn’t sure.

There would be plenty of time to reflect on all this later when she was lying awake in bed, too keyed up from the event to sleep. She had to focus on her work and getting the almighty credits for now.

What was the old saying, that Jade constantly reminded her? Dollah dollah bills, y’all…

“Tray’s ready,” the bartender said in a low voice, gesturing subtly to a corner of the ballroom where a large number of especially well-dressed human elites milled about. “Take it over to Secretary Wells. He wants a steady flow of champagne this evening,”

“Thanks,” Jenna murmured as she carefully took the tray and lifted it over her head.

She scanned the crowd and finally locked onto the round face of Secretary Wells. The head of Drokten/Earth relations. Damn, this was a seriously fancy affair. She carefully walked over, trying to put on her best presentation for this group.

The secretary had his head bent toward a fantastically beautiful young woman with silky mahogany skin and hazel eyes who looked to be about Jenna’s age. There was something about the troubled expression on the girl’s face as the secretary quietly chatted with her…

Jenna strolled over, hitching a smile onto her face as she handed out flutes of bubbly. Most returned her smile when she drew near, but a few others kept speaking as if she wasn’t even present.

Secretary Wells was one of those individuals.

Jenna strained to listen to the discussion the secretary was having with the young woman. She boldly hovered a few feet away from their hushed conversation.

“So, I’ve been informed you are fully prepared to commit yourself to two of those blue bastards?” Secretary Wells hissed in a low voice.

Jenna’s brow furrowed. “Blue bastards”? What kind of conversation was this? She couldn’t help from inching closer.

The girl nodded, though she did wrinkle her nose. “Yes, sir. I have my orders and I’m committed to carrying them out as planned. I’m willing to mate with the aliens.” The answer sounded more rehearsed than sincere to Jenna, but the secretary didn’t seem fazed.

“Good. In that case, you will be handsomely compensated for your sacrifice to your country and your species. Once you have the mating tied up and those damn alien ships are out of our precious atmosphere, the credits will be transferred to your account.” Secretary Wells grumbled, “I want those unnatural creatures gone from our planet and I don’t care what it takes to accomplish that goal.”

Jenna’s heart pounded hard. Was she hearing him right? Was the secretary really discussing how to get rid of the beings who’d saved them all and continued to serve as their only protection from a resurgence of their mutual enemy?

“By whatever means necessary”? Did he mean violence against the Drokten?

Jenna could hardly believe her ears. Surely the secretary knew how valuable these aliens were to human survival? After all, the Drokten saved humanity from near-definite destruction by the Zignills. Shouldn’t the secretary be grateful to them?

All the Drokten seemed to want in return was the opportunity to mate with willing human females.

But Jenna knew a faction of people Copyright 2016 - 2024