Caught Between Two Blue Aliens - Celia Kyle Page 0,57

experience as their bike blew past the others, careening across the vast expanse of desert sands. They accelerated up an incline that led to a steep, high cliffside. Jenna peered over the edge with mingled amazement and horror. Nothing was down there but jagged rocks and spiny minerals.

Sevith was completely unfazed by the proximity to the edge of the dangerous cliff, and once Jenna realized her driver was at ease, she was able to relax as well.

She loved being in his arms with his broad shoulders, the tight abs and the corded forearms. And that thick erection was prodding against her back the entire ride. It was all sigh-worthy. She shifted in her seat, trying to find relief from the insistent wet throbbing between her thighs. That possessive kiss and now this sexy bike ride were making her achy with need.

“I can smell your arousal,” Sevith breathed against her ear. “I will bring you relief.”

Her face heated and her lust kicked up a notch. She shifted again, opening her legs as wide as possible for easier access, hoping when he’d said relief, that meant…

Sevith slid one of his hands down her stomach and under her shirt. Then he continued into her stretchy leggings, past her panties and delved into her slit. Jenna’s breath caught in her throat as his claw-tipped fingers stroked her slick heat.

The bike was still barreling along the edge of the cliff. And at the same time Sevith was fingering her pussy. Dear god, she was embarrassingly wet. Then he moved even deeper and pushed his fingers partially inside her core, stroking her inner walls. She leaned her head back against his cheek and let out a long, low moan of delight.

The other bikes sped up alongside them, drivers distracted by the race. They paid no mind to the way Sevith’s fingers arched and stroked at the deep, dark, delicious spot inside of Jenna. She cried out as waves of intense pleasure rushed over her while the wind whipped at her face. His fingers worked her, bringing her closer and closer to the edge of release as the Tuk bike roared past their competitors.

How could he drive so expertly with one hand, and with the other bring her off?

This man was amazing.

They made a sharp, sudden jerk to the right, flying off into the air. Jenna screeched but quickly quieted while Sevith continued to hold her tightly and stroke her clit as the bike took to the skies and rocketed like a small ship across the vast crevasse beneath them.

A roar of fanfare picked up around them as they landed smoothly and crossed the finish line. Jenna opened both eyes again, her spirit soaring with triumph. They’d won the race. The program slowly faded, shifting back to the more familiar surroundings of the holodeck.

Sevith removed his hand from her pants.

Jenna turned in her seat to face him. He lifted his claw, the exact one that was wet with her juices, and inhaled deeply. “I love your scent,” he told her. She watched with rapt attention as he carefully licked his fingers clean, a low growl rumbling in his chest. When he finished, he met her gaze, his eyes a dark blue-black.

“My turn,” she rasped.

Sevith chuckled as she jumped onto his lap, their lips crashing together. She threaded her fingers through his wind-blown navy-blue hair and clutched him tightly as she kissed him with all the pent-up passion she’d been hoarding as they ran that race.

She moaned against his lips as his hand slid down the front of her pants and his fingers were again right where she needed. Sevith’s finger strummed her swollen clit as if he knew exactly how she wanted to be touched. She rocked and rolled her hips, working with him to bring herself pleasure.

Jenna wasn’t new to this—she certainly wasn’t a virgin—but she also wouldn’t say she’d understood before what all the fuss over sex was about. But holy crap, all this time spent with Hiren and Sevith was bringing out another side of her she didn’t know existed—her sex-fiend alter ego. A woman who wanted two men in her bed and was totally willing to take on the job of keeping them both satisfied for years to come.

She was strung so tightly it took no time at all for her orgasm to crash through her. Sevith only had to work her swollen nub a short while and then she trembled and cried out against his mouth as wave after wave of pleasure Copyright 2016 - 2024