Caught Between Two Blue Aliens - Celia Kyle Page 0,39

being so close to them. It was as though she breathed in some kind of airborne pheromone or intoxicant that made her want to lean in, slide closer, and meld with the Drokten males—warriors who were so stoic, so quietly powerful, that they seemed not to need words. The connection they all experienced went beyond spoken language.

It was more like fate.

While that realization frightened Jenna to her core, it also excited her. She had never felt like this before, and it wasn’t long until even the innocent touching of elbows and breathing in the same space managed to ratchet up the sensations from soft warmth to burning, desirous heat.

They were so close, yet not close enough. Not nearly. Never close enough to satiate her.

What astounded her was the innate knowledge she couldn’t explain that told her the Drokten were feeling the same way. Waves of heat and arousal rolled off Sevith’s shoulders as he stood beside her, the intensity mounting and growing to be more and more difficult to ignore.

She swallowed hard and gingerly took a small, freshly washed and dried plate from Sevith, her fingertips brushing his silver-tipped claw oh so innocently. Overwhelmed by the electrical jolt she experienced from the simple caress, Jenna stepped away for a moment, thankful to put a couple of feet of space between her body and his as she reached to put the plate away. The tension was so potent among them that it seemed to hover, hanging in the very air around them. Her breasts felt heavy. The heat between her thighs was growing exponentially.

Then, when she whirled to return to the sink, she let out a yelp of surprise to find that Sevith must’ve picked up on the shifting vibrations, too. He stood right in front of her, those blue eyes blazing and his body large and immovable. He gazed down at her like a predator licking his chops, like she was something to be conquered.

To be claimed.

Jenna’s mouth fell open, but the soft words of protest died on her tongue as Sevith leaned down and captured her mouth in a passionate kiss. His arms fell down around her, pulling her into a tight, unbreakable embrace while all of her senses were overloaded. With his heat. His tensed muscles. His breath. His unearthly scent. They entranced her and kept her immobile.

And the way he kissed her… She felt every cell in her body flaring to life, like they had been hibernating and waiting for this exact moment to come alive. What stunned her even more was the fact that she could feel the same thoughts reflected back to her through the lens of Sevith’s eyes. They bartered thoughts and emotions back and forth: pleasure, desire, hesitation, restraint, curiosity, confusion, and white-hot, blinding desire. The craving kept them both curled and tangled around one another like two ribbons in a knot.

He kissed her hungrily, pushing her backward into a corner as he growled low in his throat. The raw strength that he usually kept so neatly restrained was loosening.

Finally, Sevith’s claws slid down to gently grip her arms and break off their kiss. He spun her into Hiren’s waiting embrace.

Hiren cupped her face gently in both of his large, rough claws and leaned down to kiss her, too. He groaned softly against her lips as she parted them, allowing his tongue entry into her mouth. She moved against him, rolling her hips while she allowed his grip to hold her in place.

Jenna wanted to mold her body to fit his perfectly, to close any space between them and seal them together as one. She had never experienced such an urge before, but it was different with Sevith and Hiren. Although she had been confused and resistant to the idea of being with them at first, now she found herself swept away by the intense bonds of chemical compatibility that swarmed her brain and theirs. She felt their thoughts as both Drokten males crowded her, sandwiching her loosely between them. This time Hiren was in front and Sevith behind her, his hands on her hips as Hiren continued to kiss her. Their desires were not so clearly defined as their speech, but that didn’t keep her from experiencing everything. Their lust prickled at the corners of her mind, pushing to break through and she knew they held back. But how long could they keep it up?

For that matter, how long could she hold back? She’d been kissed before. Hell, she’d even had a Copyright 2016 - 2024