Caught Between Two Blue Aliens - Celia Kyle Page 0,31


Sevith turned back to tag her with that same hot midnight-blue gaze she remembered. “Our Jenna has missed us,” he said with an impossibly deep voice. “No matter her protestations, our mate is happy we have returned.”

Grr. How was he able to read her like that? “I’m not your mate!” she reminded him. “You’re supposed to be finding someone else for yourself who is a better match.” Every time she thought she’d never see them again, there they were, showing up again. Not giving up.

“You are our correct match,” the commander of the Drokten fleet chuckled.

The clang and thump of aliens going through her kitchen reached her ears, and with a groan of annoyance, she pushed past Hiren and Sevith and darted down the hall to check on what was happening in her kitchen. Drokten warriors were busily going through her cabinets and pantry—moving things around, removing items and replacing them with the brand-new groceries from the bags they’d carried into the apartment.

She stared around at the gathering with utter confusion, cupping her face with both hands. “What is happening? What is happening to my life?” Jenna moaned and dragged her hands down her face as she watched helplessly. The Drokten warriors seemed to have a pretty clear game plan, and she noted that there was a thin thread of organization and style to what they were doing, even if it made little sense to her personally.

“We knew you would be in need of supplementary resources,” Hiren revealed as he joined her.

“We want to help you,” Sevith spoke more bluntly. “We will help you.”

“Whether I ask for help or not, apparently,” Jenna added with a sigh.

Just when she wasn’t sure things could get anymore out of hand, she heard the tell-tale clomp-clomp of her siblings’ shoes as they rushed through the apartment and back to the kitchen.

“Oh no,” she murmured, fear overtaking all other emotions as she spun to try and head them off—keep them out.

But she was too late. She turned to see Noah and Beatrice both standing stock-still in the entry to the kitchen, mouths hanging open as they observed the big blue Drokten essentially ransacking the kitchen.

“Oh… my… God…” Beatrice murmured, her hand lifted to cover her open mouth.

Noah, however, had broken into a smile and stared at the scene with bright-eyed curiosity. He rushed into the kitchen and right up to one of the nearest warriors. “Oh wow! I’ve seen you guys on TV. Are you the nice aliens that saved us from the bad aliens?”

“Noah, wait!” Jenna hissed through gritted teeth.

“He’s no trouble,” Hiren assured her softly.

“We will not harm a hair on his head,” Sevith agreed.

“Yes, we are the Drokten…the ‘nice’ aliens,” a warrior with a deep scar across this cheek responded.

Noah gazed up at him in pure wonder. Beatrice slowly and quietly padded forward until she stood at Jenna’s side, linking her arm with her older sister’s for reassurance.

“We did indeed annihilate the Zignill,” the male continued, “and we remain on your planet to protect you and make sure they do not reappear.”

Bea made a choking sound.

Jenna patted her hand. “It’s okay,” she whispered. “They’re here to… to help.”

“Are-are-are you sure?” Bea grunted when she finally got the stuttered words out, barely audible, but her frustration was clear.

No, I’m not. But instead, Jenna gave her an almost imperceptible nod. “Yes, I’m sure.”

Noah continued to watch the six Drokten like they were the most amazing beings he’d ever seen in his life. Like he’d just met all his heroes at once.

And then the activity in the kitchen came to a halt. All the packing seemed to be complete. They’d filled her apartment with an enormous amount of food, thereby saving her untold amounts of currency. The tension left her body and she was about to genuinely thank them for their help and offer introductions then…

“Take the young ones to another room,” Sevith ordered.

“What?” Bea gasped, her eyes wide with horror. She clung tight to Jenna.

“You’re not taking my brother and sister anywhere,” Jenna protested fiercely.

Hiren’s gentle touch on her shoulder drew her attention. “We just mean to a separate room in your domicile. They will be looked after. They will not be harmed.”

“Why do they need to go?”

“We need to discuss something vital among the three of us, and it would be inappropriate to have the young ones present for such a conversation,” Sevith explained.

Jenna sighed. He wanted the three of them to talk in private. Now it made sense. She gave Bea what Copyright 2016 - 2024