Caught Between Two Blue Aliens - Celia Kyle Page 0,27

need to get back in the vehicle. How about we purchase human drinks somewhere while you wait for your work establishment to open? I know this is unusual, but all Sevith and I are asking is for a chance to explain this situation.”

Even from across the sidewalk, Sevith felt Jenna’s emotions bristle at Hiren’s closeness.

“I can’t ever leave my planet. I just want you both to know that up front.”

Sevith’s jaw clenched. “Well, that’s going to be difficult,” he muttered. “I’m not living here forever, and neither are my future offspring.”

Hiren threw him a sharp glance.

Sevith threw his claws up. “I’m trying to talk out loud as she asked.”

Hiren let out a deep sigh and mumbled his response. “I have my work cut out for me if I want to get you two to eventually share a family bed with me in peace.”

“Oh, we’ll all be sharing a family bed. I can assure you of that,” Sevith responded. There was no other way forward than his way.

Jenna stood still with her head bowed and then at last, she turned to face them. She took a deep breath and looked at both of them, one at a time, and then she pointed off to the distance. Hiren and Sevith both followed her gaze to a park across the street, where a small human drink station stood at the middle of a paved walkway intersection.

“We can walk and talk over coffee,” Jenna shouted back. “But I want to be back here the second the restaurant opens. Understood?”

“Who does she think she is?” Sevith muttered.

“Our Oso.” Hiren grinned.

A couple of minutes later, the three of them stood at the intersection together after leaving a bewildered barista staring after them. Jenna held her hot coffee in her hands and the three of them walked in silence for a few moments.

The way she looked, walking across the paved stones appearing so thoughtful and feeling so many complicated emotions that interlaced with each other in a beautiful mess… it proved to Sevith that Jenna was special. They didn’t have just any Oso, but one who cut such an artistically beautiful picture against the scenery of a tranquil park, with other humans milling around peacefully and gorgeous Earth flora wafting in the breeze all around them.

This was another reason the Drokten had gone through the bother to save Earth. It was considered a very beautiful planet with an intriguing culture. Earth “flowers” were highly prized on their home world. An industry of floral cultivation had already begun in parts of the planet just to supply the Drokten’s admiration for the colorful and delicate plants.

“Usually, human dates don’t start by getting the girl fired and talking about getting her pregnant,” she said at last, glancing over her shoulder at them. “But I get that we do things kind of differently here.”

“You have much to be admired,” Hiren interjected. “We may be a warrior people, but the way human mates deal with one another can be sophisticated, as I understand it.”

“What was that shameful display I saw in the diner? Was that human premating dialogue?” Sevith snarled.

“He wishes,” Jenna answered with a sardonic laugh that took Sevith by surprise. “That guy is an ass, but you can’t just beat someone up at work for being a jerk.”

Sevith silently disagreed.

“But you did not want to be spoken to, or touched, that way,” Hiren pointed out.

“No, I didn’t,” Jenna admitted, “and… I guess part of me has always kind of wanted to see him put in his place like that.” She shrugged. “But just wanting something in human society doesn’t mean it’s accessible. Does that make sense?”

“We understand what ‘happened’ back there. Sevith simply…”

“Did not appreciate my mate being treated in such a way,” Sevith rumbled. Jenna looked up and met his gaze and he felt that attraction sizzle between them. He also sensed gratitude, maybe even something more, if he didn’t know better.

“This way,” she said as they reached a fork in the road, directing them toward a path that would lead them back to where they’d started. “I don’t want to go far from work.”

“Why are these low paying jobs so important to you?” Sevith asked. “You were not being treated with respect there. Yes, hard work is important, but so is proper compensation and respect toward a hard-working individual.” These were after all, the most prized values within his own society.

“I don’t know if currency is something you two in particular have ever worried about, but I just Copyright 2016 - 2024