Caught Between Two Blue Aliens - Celia Kyle Page 0,25

folding his hands and looking patiently at their human female. He itched to hold her close, to touch her appealing colorless skin and see if she was as soft and silken as she appeared. But he resisted the urge to snatch her into his arms and instead twined his fingers together.

“We are an Azi-Bahn pairing,” he explained. “Among my species this means two males become partners and form a mind link. We can speak to each other through a natural pathway that synched in our minds when we met. This was the Azi-Bahn pair. All of the males on our planet find their first life partner when they come of age.”

“I’ve… I’ve heard of this. I know that all of you work in pairs. Can I… can I ask you something personal?”

“Of course, you can ask us anything.” Sevith clenched his fingers to form a tight fist. The desire to touch Jenna now that she showed interest in them was growing even stronger.

“Does that mean, um, that you two are in love with each other? Like are you two your own mated couple that um, has sex together? And that’s why you want me, or another woman as your third? To sort of temporarily spice things up in your existing relationship?”

Sevith looked to Hiren. I think you should explain this part.

Yes, let me take over from here.

“All Drokten are sexually dormant until the moment we meet our Oso. You have awakened the two of us.” Hiren gestured toward both of their obvious hard shafts. “We have never felt this way before.”

“You’re both virgins?” she blurted, face turning a lovely shade of pink. So strange these human creatures… yet so appealing.

“I think that means dormant? Yes, we have never mated before. Drokten males meet long before they find their Oso in order to form their own bond prior to their triad. This is not pleasure mating. We physically are unable to mate with any female, or any being at all, other than our Oso. We have met you and we are now enflamed.”

“Enflamed?” she squeaked, her face now a bright red. “By me?”

“You,” Sevith grinned. He was finding it harder and harder to not grab this luscious female, pull her into his lap and track his lips down her throat. Would her pink lips taste different from the rest of her colorless body? He wished to find out. Now.

Then you’d be just like that human male who touched her without her consent, his Bahn reminded him.

Damn you. That is true, Sevith grumbled.

“You’re doing it again, aren’t you? You two are talking to each other and I can’t hear. How about you just tell me what you’re thinking?”

“It may be helpful if I explained what happened last night,” Hiren answered outloud. “I felt something very particular when you approached me. Attraction?”

“Humans feel attraction, too,” Jenna retorted. “But it doesn’t mean you get to kidnap us.”

Kidnap? Why did she think they were kidnapping her?

“That is not what I meant,” Hiren said calmly, but Sevith could sense his internal frustration.

Oddly, sensing Hiren’s frustration seemed to calm Sevith to some extent, as if he was glad he wasn’t alone in his inability to communicate effectively with their female.

“Let me start somewhere that might be more familiar to you,” Hiren continued. “Surely you know about the incident during the Zignills invasion, in which a pair of Drokten warriors found a human mate, yes?”

Jenna nodded slowly. “Yes, I heard that. Someone in England married two Drokten? And they had a baby?”

“These were not just any two Drokten warriors,” Hiren explained. “They were an Azi and Bahn pair, the same as Sevith and me. I am Sevith’s Bahn, and I happen to be his second in command. The bonds between an Azi and Bahn are very close, not unlike human siblings.”

“So, you two live together but you aren’t interested in um…mating with each other?” she asked.

“A common human misconception, but no, we are not,” Hiren answered. “We do share quarters, but we do so in part because Drokten mating rituals do not require merely two people, like that of humans. An Oso is a term for the third component of a Drokten triad. It is a dignified term, make no mistake. Triads among humans appear to be less common, but my research makes me think there is some precedence. Is there not?”

“Oh, there’s precedence,” Jenna murmured as red tinged her cheeks once again.

Sevith shifted impatiently, his gaze never leaving his female.

“Humans seem to spend a lot of time Copyright 2016 - 2024