Caught Between Two Blue Aliens - Celia Kyle Page 0,23

the future of their species and culture—kicked in.

Yet their delicious female radiated cold feelings of entrapment—the emotions filling the vehicle like a stench.

An honor? Hiren rolled his eyes. Do you hear yourself? You are the eldest son of a great line of warriors, a member of the most renowned line on the planet, while I came from a long line of medium-level support specialists. I’m telling you right now, you need to let that high opinion of yourself go to listen to our Oso and feel her emotions. You will drive her away.

Sevith peered at Jenna, his Oso was now staring out the window with a pinched, angry look on her exotic features.

Dammit. He did not like it when he was wrong, and his Bahn was so obviously correct. Double dammit.

He could sense her fast heartbeat, and the rush of troubled thoughts flowing through her mind. But Sevith was able to gather one distinct impression. Jenna liked them, but she denied her feelings.

The spark of desire he’d sensed in her last night remained ever vigilant. She wanted them, whether she completely realized the truth or not, and that meant all three parties in the vehicle had the same goal. Correct?

It seemed like such a basic threshold to cross and stay over, but it was a crucial one, especially for a pair of Drokten. Human mating was much more complex than Drokten. The humans were a species that pleasure mated and might not mate for life, or might find more than one mate per lifespan. It wasn’t even uncommon for humans to form mated pairs without any intention of producing children. It seemed very chaotic, at best.

Let me try, Hiren attempted to soothe him through their link. Then he spoke aloud to their mate, “Jenna, you are—”

Suddenly Sevith could hold back no longer. He’d kept his pheromones at bay last night while he hid behind a pillar and allowed Hiren to make initial introductions. Then he’d spent the last diurnal searching for his female, only to find her in a workplace being touched inappropriately by another human male. Without any warning, an impatient need crashed through his senses and he had to have her in his arms, his claw between her thighs.

“You are ours,” Sevith growled, his control snapping as his groin tightened and hardened in preparation of mating the gorgeous human female so close to them. “You are staying with us.”

“I’m sorry. I must have misheard something. What?” she looked between Sevith and Hiren incredulously and then down at Sevith’s lap and swallowed hard.

Sevith… Hiren warned. But there was no stopping him.

“Mates,” Sevith repeated more firmly. His cock throbbed, a long, thick, firm length in his trousers. “You are our Oso, Jenna—our third. The female who is meant to be between us.”

Jenna nodded jerkily, as if confirming what she’d heard, and Sevith relaxed slightly, content in the knowledge that Jenna accepted her fate.

Except, then she lunged for the door, scrambling to find the mechanism used to open it and presumably roll onto the highway to freedom in a scrambling panic.

That did not go as anticipated… Sevith mentally grimaced.

“Let me out!” she demanded, her tone shrill and high-pitched as the scent of her fear and anxiety surged.

“Jenna!” Hiren reached out a hand to comfort her, but she drew away and kept tugging hopelessly at different parts of the door.

“Stop the car!” she barked the order, but neither of them moved to obey.

“This is not a human ‘car,’” Sevith grumbled unhelpfully, shifting in his seat and trying to get comfortable despite the aching hardness in his pants. Never before in his life had he ever had to deal with a rush of emotions this severe. Being this close to her, in an enclosed space with her scent filling his lungs, was pure and utter torture of the highest degree. His training had not prepared him for this.

It is torture for me too, Hiren confirmed.

“This is a Drokten transport. And what is wrong? Why are you trying to leave a moving vehicle?” Sevith frowned, intent on her knowing his displeasure at her actions.

She leaned back in the seat and crossed her arms, glare in place. It did not appear that she found his frown intimidating or chastising at all. Disconcerting.

She glanced down at both of their laps, with their obvious hard cocks, and then she turned her head away, nibbling her lower lip. “I’m not joining some kind of alien threesome booty call!” She sneered. “That’s what you’re following me around for. Right? Copyright 2016 - 2024