Caught Between Two Blue Aliens - Celia Kyle Page 0,18

he slowly settled back down and seemed content to watch her with hungry eyes.

“We need to wait. We must talk to her first and let her know of our intentions.”

His Azi gave a curt nod.

A few moments later, the same pleasant, non-Jenna waitress who’d greeted them at their arrival came to take their orders, and since this was the diner they would actually be spending time at, Hiren ordered each of them a coffee. “Coffee” was one of the few human drinks Drokten found acceptable because of its similarities to traq.

Our female is tasked with serving humans in a different part of this establishment, Sevith groused. We should be sitting closer to her.

You are correct but it is too late. Hiren cursed their hasty judgment in choice of seats. Spending time in the other diners this morning had taught Hiren that the serving staff always worked different sections of a restaurant. His strategic mind picked up on that in a heartbeat. Jenna’s section was clearly at the opposite end of the diner, but neither he nor Sevith had been thinking about that when they stumbled in. They’d just been happy to locate their female.

Hiren watched as Jenna moved around the tables, her long legs serving her very well as she wove through the other servers coming and going while keeping her customers happy. She was all smiles and welcoming body language.

His chest warmed and his cock remained at attention. For the first time in his life his dormant shaft was finally readying to mate. He had no idea what this would feel like, but he’d been around his own parental triad and many mated males and females, especially in his youth, and he’d witnessed the love that flowed between them. He wanted that for himself—for them.

The human males in this eating establishment want our Oso for themselves, Sevith rasped, fury in his mental voice.

Hiren narrowed his eyes as he watched the interactions between their female and her customers. It was true that some of the males made exaggerated efforts to gain her attention. The way they talked to her, the playful smiles on their small, dull-toothed mouths and the movements of their bushy eyebrows as they spoke to her. It frustrated him to no end whenever he saw her force a smile in return. He sensed her emotions and knew the smiles were fake and appeasing.

Hiren realized Sevith stared at him. “What?” he said out loud.

“You want her out of here as badly as I do,” Sevith mused, taking a sip of his coffee and wrinkling his nose. “Ugh, this is bitter. And gritty.”

“You’re right. I do want her,” Hiren admitted, rolling his shoulders back and taking a deep breath. “Yes, waiting is ridiculous, but I worry if we act too quickly, we will anger her.”

“Again, let’s take her now and spare her this horrible work situation. Our female is obviously a hard worker who should be compensated more for her valuable time. We can give her a new highly paid job on the Avash or at Drokten Main.”

“Yes, that’s a good idea. And we might think this position is ridiculous,” Hiren answered, “but it’s her life, and she may not be ready to realize this workplace isn’t a part of it any longer. Our female is a hard worker and will most likely want to finish her daily labor commitment. We will wait until we gain her attention and ask her to leave with us when she’s free.”

Sevith turned to stare at him. Hiren did not back down and steadily held his Azi’s harsh gaze. Yes, it was unusual for a Bahn to boldly declare the rules of engagement, but this was an entirely new situation. They’d never before negotiated the acquisition of their Oso and Hiren knew that going forward, he would need to occasionally take the lead when it benefited their mate.

His Azi gave him another curt nod in reply. “And… what if she says no?”

“Why would she deny us? We both sensed her desire and her need to protect us, her future mates, even if she does not yet realize who we are to her. She is drawn to us as much as we are to her.”

“Well, she ran away…”

And right then the front door of the dining establishment banged open. A group of five large, rowdy human males charged through, all of them in the middle of an extremely loud conversation.

As soon as they entered, Hiren sensed a change in Jenna’s emotions.

“Do you feel that?” Copyright 2016 - 2024