Caught Between Two Blue Aliens - Celia Kyle Page 0,13

Secretary Wells care whether she was talking to a Drokten? For all he’d known, Hiren could have been asking her work-related questions.

Did he know what she’d said?

She swallowed hard, terror rising in her chest as she accidentally met the secretary’s mean gaze. A cold chill raced down her spine as she finally recognized how truly enraged the man was at her transgression. She wondered what sort of punishment he had in mind for her. How would it affect Noah and Bea? She winced, thinking about Ms. Carmine and how apoplectic the woman would be if Jenna’s actions resulted in her being late to return home.

Had someone in the crowd managed to overhear her warning the Drokten and told the secretary? Or was the secretary angry at her for another reason?

As she stood there, worrying and fretting over the cause of her punishment, she heard another voice. Somehow it seemed to be both in the air and inside her head at the same time. Though it startled her, she again immediately recognized Commander Sevith’s voice. He was secretly talking to her again.

Do not worry. We will not let any of these humans cause you harm.

Jenna froze, not daring to turn and make eye contact with the great alien warrior standing not far away. How could his voice be so clear and vivid? What was he doing? How could he be talking to her in her mind?

And why was this somehow comforting, rather than terrifying?

“I assure you that nothing like this will ever happen again,” Secretary Wells declared, shaking a finger at Jenna. “We have protocols in place to prevent such transgressions and we screen all of our help thoroughly, but sometimes one rotten apple manages to slip in.”

Jenna had no doubt she was the rotten apple he described.

But before the secretary could continue ranting about how terrible she was and how grave her punishment would be, Hiren calmly raised a hand to silence the man. The secretary’s words strangled and fell silent in his throat as he visibly paled before the large Drokten warrior.

In a clear, placid voice, Hiren suggested, “Why don’t we take this discussion somewhere more… private? There is no need for us to interrupt the party with this grievance.” He gestured broadly around the room at the many, many guests, but his steady, unrelenting, utterly intense gaze remained locked on Jenna.

Her cheeks burned and her belly pleasantly swooped.

What the hell?

Why were these two Drokten so interested in her? Because she’d shared pertinent information with them? That didn’t seem enough reason to garner such intense scrutiny.

And…both Hiren and Sevith were both standing so close now and acting as if…as if they “liked” her. Like they wanted to invite her up to their room or something.

It made complete sense that she was a fangirl mess around these two sex-on-a-stick males, but why would they care about her? Like Wells had said, she wasn’t a guest. She was simply an employee. She was nobody. And they had so many other choices in this room. Literally some of the most beautiful and accomplished women on the planet seemed to be in attendance tonight.

Secretary Wells heaved a sigh and slowly nodded his agreement as he relented. “Fine, right. We shall discuss this at greater length and in private if that is what you prefer.”

“It is,” Sevith practically growled his support.

Secretary Wells snapped his fingers, and not even a second later, a big, burly guard stepped up. Wells nodded toward Jenna then issued his command. “Guide our little troublemaker to a secure room while we decide her outcome.”

The guard grunted and stepped forward, grasping one of Jenna’s arms in a punishing grip. Panic rushed through her body. She tried to jerk away from the guard, but his grip was too tight.

Sevith let out a deep growl.

Hiren gestured and a huge, imposing Drokten guard moved out of the crowd to gently take Jenna by her other arm. There was less outright malice in his demeanor and more confusion, as though he didn’t understand why he’d been tasked with guarding a human female. “We will have our own guard as well.”

“Very well.” Secretary Wells pulled his lips back into a snarling smile. “This is acceptable. Let’s be off, then.”

They formed a procession. Secretary Wells and the two powerful Drokten at the front followed by Jenna, flanked by a human and Drokten guard in the back. It was all so weird. This was not at all how she’d planned for this evening to go.

They marched out of Copyright 2016 - 2024