Caught Between Three Billionaire Tycoons - Willa Hart Page 0,48

a woman like her get away.

She was getting away from me, though. She was pulling away, actually. I could feel her slipping through my fingers a little more each minute that slipped by.

Why did the other two have to imprint on her? I tried to keep my frustration in check. I had imprinted on her first. I had been biding my time, waiting for months, wooing her and stepping closer and closer as she invited me into her heart.

It just wasn’t fair that these two could blast on to the scene and undo all my hard work. I gripped the windowsill a bit too hard and heard the wood groan in protest.

I had to get us out of here.

I never heard from the power company. The delay might be because of the distance, or there was some situation at the base. It wasn’t for someone like me to figure out. I was used to people fixing things for me, not working them out for myself. I was just pissed over this one minor detail.

If the power had been working, maybe they would never have even seen her. I could have had my vacation and proposed and then we live happily ever after.

Without two other bears trying to steal my woman away.

There was a part of me that whispered that her sweet smell would have drawn them to her, no matter what. I didn’t know if this was a deep fear that made me paranoid or if it was the actual truth.

It didn’t matter. This was all just one big fucking mistake.

When I found my power was out, I should have gotten everyone in my car and drove to the nearest town. These sleepy little places usually had a decent bed and breakfast if not a hotel, and some of the best steak houses in the country. I should have just said so long to Zavier. Thanks for your help, but we’re off.

I wouldn’t have even come back for the ruined car. I had dozens.

I started up the stairs, putting one foot carefully in front of the other. I could hear the kids laughing and rumbling around. It sounded like a pillow fight or something. At least they were happy. They didn’t have to deal with any of the complications we adults did. For a moment I was struck with a terrible sense of doom. My children we certain to get locked into a similar pattern as this. Desperately trying to find a mate that the bear would imprint on.

I pushed this thought away. I had quite enough to worry about without planning our future catastrophes.

I got to my room and pulled out my laptop. It wasn’t too late to fix this. I could get us out of here. I didn’t want to go straight to the big solution of calling in a helicopter, but if I couldn’t think of anything else, I wouldn’t hesitate.

Nearby towns were very far away. Miles from the dirt road that led out here to the cabins. I contemplated the long drive. The closest towns were also very simple affairs. Produce and general stores, one or two bars. I had had no reason to stop into those towns at all. I realized straight away we would drive for at least a day before we ran into a really good spot to vacation.

I thought about the chopper. It was tempting, really tempting. I could afford it, make it like a present to myself and to Whitney. While I thought about this, I pulled out my wallet and fingered my credit cards, waiting to get up the confidence to book one.

We would just disappear like shadows at dawn. The other two would never even know where we went. We would literally disappear into the sky.

As I visualized us getting in the chopper and leaving forever, my bear growled deep within me. I fought it; I struggled with it as if we were physically grappling.

The bear didn’t want to go.

It had been too long since we trod these paths. The damp pine needles and dark earth were feeding us on some deep level even I couldn’t properly understand. I had been longing for this place for so long, and I hadn’t even known it.

I stood up, shoving the chair away from the table with some force. I put my wallet in my pocket and snapped the laptop shut.

“Okay, teddy.” I growled to my deepest, primal self. “You got a fucking solution or what?”

Claim your mate.

Yep. Thanks. I knew that Copyright 2016 - 2024