Caught Between Three Billionaire Tycoons - Willa Hart Page 0,32

checked on the kids.

I didn’t bother to get dressed, just went down the stairs, hoping to catch up with everyone. I couldn’t see any of the guys or the kids, but I could hear noises in the kitchen.

The kitchen was small and cozy, I had noticed that the night before. Even though there was a dining room, it looked like the guys mostly ate at the small table in the middle of the kitchen.

When I came in, it shocked me to see it was Aleksy making breakfast, not Zavier or Daire. After all, it was their house.

“Sit down!” Aleksy gestured to the table cheerfully. “There’s coffee and juice. I’ve got a stack of pancakes keeping warm here, and I’m almost done with the bacon and eggs.”

“Aleksy… What is all this?” I was still groggy from sleep and I was having trouble seeing my usually impeccably presented boss in a loose flannel and jeans.

I also had no idea that Aleksy could cook. From the smells that filled the kitchen, he was good at it, too.

I sat down in one of the chairs, reaching for the coffee. Everything would make more sense after I got some caffeine into my system.

“Where are the kids?”

“They’re playing. They had breakfast a while ago. Don’t worry about them.” He brought a massive stack of pancakes to the table and put some butter and maple syrup down next to them.

“I don’t know, Aleksy. I’m supposed to be working. I feel bad enough that I slept in. I don’t want to waste your money—” Hmm. How to say that I didn’t want to miss out on the overtime pay while still being polite? Plus, the kiddos were such a treasure, I wanted to spend more time with them.

“Don’t worry about a thing, Whitney.” He flourished his spatula. “This has been an extreme situation. I still feel bad that I wasn’t there to help you when the car got stuck. You need your rest.”

He started loading up a plate with toast and another with bacon and scrambled eggs. The sense of unreality just got stronger. I had never seen Aleksy without a perfectly tailored and color-coordinated suit, let alone flipping pancakes.

As he sat down across from me his gold eyes flashed. Suddenly I was right back in the office again, feeling terribly attracted but not having a damn clue what to do about it.

Here I was, hair an absolute mess, wearing only an oversized nightgown and a big fluffy robe. I must have looked like every man’s dream. I took another sip of coffee, trying not to blush or look at Aleksy, because that was just making it worse.

He still hadn’t made a mention of my pay, and that was worrying me. I had tried to approach the subject gently, but he didn’t give me any reassurance. I took a few bites of pancake while I tried to think of a way to bring it up without sounding insensitive.

To make things worse, Aleksy was gazing at me. He had this little half smile, and he was sipping his coffee without taking his eyes off me. This was one of those times I was sure the air was hung with romantic intentions, but I didn’t want to make a fool of himself.

“So, Aleksy…” I took a sip of coffee to wash down some pancakes, pausing because I still had no fucking clue how I was going to say this.

“What’s the matter, Whitney? You know you can tell me anything.”

I wished that were true. The problem is, when people say that, their idea of ‘anything’ is usually far removed from yours.

“Well. I’ve been saving pretty hard the last few months. You know, it’s pretty difficult to get a decent amount of money together these days.”

“Oh, yeah.” He poured some more coffee. “I know it’s difficult on the ground floor. Money only works for itself once you hit a certain amount.”

Not really the declaration of commitment I was looking for, but at least he was listening.

“Yeah. Well, I’ve been saving for a house, actually. There’s one I’ve been looking at that I hoped to put a deposit on really soon. Maybe next spring. It’s kind of a present to myself.”

“Whitney, that is just fantastic. You’re so driven.”

I was wondering if he was deliberately avoiding the subject or if he was that rich, he really didn’t understand the struggles of the poor.

“Yeah. Thanks. I was hoping the overtime for this trip would put me over the edge, so I didn’t have to stress Copyright 2016 - 2024