Catastrophic Attraction - Eve Langlais Page 0,73

lived out of sight in Haven most of the time, making her creams and lotions infused with what she called “a little bit of feel good magic.”

The king had converted many people to his side. To his cause. He usually had a reason behind his madness. In this case, looking upon him, she knew with a certainty she’d nailed the reason for his stupidity this time.

“King blames himself for not protecting his sista and keeps trying to find her forgiveness.”

“She lives here instead of in Eden?” she asked.

“Because she donna like leaving the Silent Sisters tower.”

“The tower being?” she prodded.

“Place where da sick are cared for. Roark and Darius got her a nice room.”

Great, they treated their invalid sister well. It didn’t explain one thing. “Why would Roark drug me instead of saying he was going for a visit?”

“’Cause he likes his privacy.”

“So he can wallow in his guilt. What an idiot.” She shook her head. Then again, she understood pride. She’d fallen victim to it a time or two.

“He shouldn’t. Darius even told him it wasna his fault.”

Curiosity filled her more than ever. “How was she hurt?”

“Ya’ll have to ask him dat. I already gone done and said too much.”

Personally, she didn’t think Jorah had said enough, but he had managed to alleviate some of her initial ire. Roark would still pay for his actions, but he’d live.

“Let me get him ta bed.” Jorah grabbed his feet and lifted them; however, she shook her head.

“Leave him. Jerk deserves to drool on the floor given he drugged me. As if I would have stopped him from visiting his sister. Asshole.” She almost kicked him. How dare he think so badly of her?

Jorah moved Roark enough he could dump the lower half of his body into the room. “Donna be too mad. He’s weird about his sista, Anissa.”

Did he think Casey would kill her? Sure, in the Wasteland, the domes didn’t have much use for those that were infirm, but Casey liked to think she had a compassionate side. She wasn’t one of those who believed the elderly and crippled should be set outside to die. They still had too much to give. A strength of will she admired. And their stories…they saw so much more. Heard things that widened the eyes when recounted.

“I don’t give a fuck how weird he is about it. He should have told me instead of knocking me out,” she said, hustling Jorah out the door then returning to stand over Roark’s prone body.

Sachi sat on the other side. The cat couldn’t put her hands on her hips, but she was obviously with Casey on how stupid he was.

“I can’t believe he didn’t trust me.” That bothered her. He kept expecting her to place her trust in him, and while she hadn’t completely, she was pretty damned close. She knew he’d fight and defend with his life. He wasn’t as selfish as he wanted to appear.

The thing she worried about was her heart. What did it say about her that she worried he’d gone to see another lover?

She liked him too much, which, in turn, irritated her to no end. The temptation to kick him had to be curbed. Then again, he didn’t need a boot in the ribs to wake up sore. He remained slobbering on the floor.

More than ever she wished she had a camera. Maybe she could buy one in the city. Surely a place this big would have access to some pretty epic toys.

The cat looked at the prone man and then the bed. Her head cocked.

“You think we should move him? I guess so,” Casey said with a sigh.

Given the daunting task, she almost called Jorah back but instead grabbed an arm and heaved. Roark weighed more than he looked, but she’d helped Cam a time or two to find a spot better than a floor and knew how to drag a body. As she went to heave him, to get him on the bed, he finally opened an eye.

“It’s my lovely lady,” he slurred. “Will you betray me, too?”

“Never.” The words whispered past her lips, but she couldn’t have said if he heard. He closed his eyes and drifted off again. She needed a little help. She slapped his cheek lightly. “Wake up.”

“Fuck you. I’m sleeping,” he grumbled.

“Wouldn’t you rather sleep in bed?”

“Maybe,” he muttered.

He pushed himself to his feet, which was enough for her to shove and topple him onto the bed. He collapsed hard enough that the bed Copyright 2016 - 2024