Catastrophic Attraction - Eve Langlais Page 0,58


“Don’t be so sure.” He winked as he palmed a gun.

“Why are you pulling a gun? You never arm yourself. Expecting something?” She appeared eager.

“Maybe.” He twisted a knob on the wall and stepped back, aiming his weapon at the widening hole as a section rolled aside, showing off a bike. “Best to be cautious. We get the occasional spidus trying to make itself a nest.”

Nothing jumped out.

She peered past him. “I only see one ride.”

The storage compartment didn’t have room for another bike. “That one’s mine. There’s another behind the panel beside you.”

He’d transported them here himself and had a heck of a time getting them down the shaft, but it was worth the effort. He didn’t offer to reveal the second bike or check the compartment for creatures. Roark knew enough by now that she’d get peeved if he offered or tried. He respected her independent streak. She took care of herself, and others. Much like he did.

Casey found the lever and twisted it. She held her knives ready as it slid open. He could have sworn she appeared disappointed in the lack of critters, but that didn’t last as she saw the second bike.

“Oh, this is nice,” she purred, running her hand over the frame, causing him to feel a spurt of jealousy.

They had matching rides, the bodies sleek and gray, the wheels rubber that could handle many surfaces and didn’t puncture, the rims lacking spokes. The nose sported a spout, stained with soot from the last time he used it.

“How’s it run?” she asked.

“Water. Meaning it’s noisy. Tanks should already be full, and there are places we’ll have to stop and fill up. Standard controls.” He wheeled his out. “Acceleration, brake, reverse.” He tapped the controls in turn. “Flame thrower.” He squeezed the lever on the handlebar lightly, and a flame shot out. “And if something gets too close to the sides.” He clicked a button and knives shot out of the wheels. “Just keep in mind they can only slice through flesh. Nothing harder or it will get caught and you will flip.”

“Oh, this is a pretty toy,” she murmured, still running her hands over the bike.

If only she’d look at him with half the interest. He glanced away. “We should get going. We’re about to lose our light.”

The lard only held a little lump and would go out in but a moment.

She straddled the bike. “Can you give me a rundown of what we can expect?”

“Tunnel after tunnel, but for our purpose, we’re going straight. Most of the side ones are sealed. Those that aren’t, I don’t recommend. Unless you see me veering, go straight. If you lose me, keeping going and I’ll find you.”

“Why would I lose you?”

The light flickered. “Because shit happens. And in case it does, when you get to the room with the walkway and waterfall, you’re going to want hang to the right-hand side, farthest from the water.”

“Is it dangerous?”

“Only if you get too close. So stick right. When we reach the webs, whoever is in the lead will have to use the flamethrower. If you’re behind me, try to not scorch my ass.”

“Webs as in spiders?” Her nose wrinkled.

“Kind of.” He didn’t elaborate but went on. “Then you’ve got a jump right after the phallus plant.”

“The what?”

Rather than explain, he hurried to finish as the last of the light flickered, triggering the headlamps on the bikes. “When you see the big plant shaped like a dick, get ready to fly. Then, unless something has moved in, we’ll have smooth sailing for a few hours, although we’ll have to stop to recharge the bikes. Then a hard three-hour ride that will end with a sharp right at a T-intersection. Do not go left, unless you’ve settled your affairs.”

“Anything else?”

He smiled. “May the best rider win.”

“Best?” she repeated as she wheeled the bike into the hall and then twisted to close the compartment. “Don’t make this sound noble. I will cheat if I have to.”

“Then don’t be surprised if maybe I kept back a thing or two.” He winked and slung himself onto the bike. “Starting with, we have probably about five seconds to clear out before the charging bullticore comes to protect his territory.”

“The what?”

“Five, four…”

He knew it was still far enough away, but the noise and light would have roused it. The monster in this section was intentionally left alone just in case someone made it past the first set of locks.

Rather than ask more questions, Casey gunned Copyright 2016 - 2024