Catastrophic Attraction - Eve Langlais Page 0,56

are there?”

“The actual road winds through the forest. Then there’s the river. You can sail it past Haven, but that’s a roundabout path.”

“Are the woods dangerous at night?” When in Emerald, she’d had to sneak through the Seimor before its roots and branches quested for blood. Even the darkest pockets didn’t completely hide her.

“The forest by the bluffs is pretty tame. Only some giant nut things that like to drop and explode. They’re big enough to crush a skull.”

“I am not wearing a helmet.”

“Then it’s a good thing I need practice wiping drool off a chin,” he said, referring to Riella’s pregnancy. Approaching the midpoint, she’d remained slim thus far, making it hard to remember she carried a child and that Titan was going to be a father.

“This place is nice for kids, isn’t it?” Casey said.

The observation was based on what she’d seen thus far. At seven years old, this was the only home Charlie had known. She’d never had to move around, hide in bunkers or up in a tree so things on the ground couldn’t eat her. Other than Haven’s new home, it was the best place Casey had ever experienced.

“I think this is as close to perfect as it gets,” Titan admitted.

“Which is why I’m going with him,” she said softly.

There was something about Eden. A perfection that she recognized as both beautiful and vulnerable. How much of it relied on Roark?

Too much she feared. So long as assassins kept arriving, there was a possibility it could all fall down. She couldn’t let that happen. Couldn’t let the princess be kidnapped or killed. Nor could she let down the king.

Roark approached, a knapsack slung over his shoulder, looking casual and disreputable in leather pants that molded to his thighs and tucked into boots. He wore a heavy jacket, undone in the middle, the exterior a tough shell. Hanging low on his left hip, a holster, a gun nestled within. A sword rested in a sheath at his back, the pommel only visible when he shifted.

He looked… capable. A city king turned citizen.

“Ready?” he asked.

She was as ready as she’d ever be. They’d have to walk out of the city. The use of motor vehicles was kept at a minimum to avoid problems in the streets.

He didn’t hide himself as they left, his face in full view as he greeted people loud and clear. Making himself noticed. Telling everyone he was going on a trip.

Was it obvious he did his best to lead any enemies away?

She could only hope it didn’t make Charlie appear as an easier target.

“You’re worried,” he stated softly as they neared the city wall.

“Get out of my head.”

“I’m not in your head. You’re chewing your lip.”

She immediately stopped. “I’m worried about the princess.”

“I thought your brother capable.”

“He is!”

“And he’s not alone. He’s got Anita and my brother helping him.”

“I didn’t meet your brother.” She’d not gotten a chance to take his measure.

“Much as it galls me to admit, he’s a capable guy.”

“You like him?”

He shrugged. “We don’t see each other often, but I do.”

“And you truly didn’t learn about him until later in life?”

“Finding out your father had another secret family isn’t exactly something you want to explore much. Especially when your mother took it so hard.”

“But you ended up meeting?”


The exited the city walls with other foot traffic. Happy people, tough people, who eyed the woman by their king’s side more with curiosity than malice. She was getting used to having strangers around her.

They veered from where the majority headed, and while she didn’t mind walking, she knew they had far to go. “I thought you said we’d be grabbing a ride.” She kept pace with his long stride, appreciating and hating the way he didn’t shorten it for her, didn’t try and give her an advantage she didn’t need.

“Two wheels only. I hope that’s not a problem.” He flashed her a grin.

“Just try and keep up.”

“Very well. Last one to the rooted tree makes camp, and that includes dinner.”

She arched a brow. “You should know I never learned to cook.” She smiled. “And I don’t plan on starting.”

The bet was on. The rivalry allowed them an ease that they had failed to recapture from the night before. She wasn’t sure why. Too aware of each other perhaps.

The wager, though, let them say the most outrageous things. Needle each other. She smiled a few too many times. Laughed, too.

Cam was so right. She was hot for the king. And they were going Copyright 2016 - 2024