Catastrophic Attraction - Eve Langlais Page 0,27


Her death probably explained Roark’s rabid need to protect his child.

“Your father is much stronger now. His kingdom better protected.”

“It won’t stop them when they come to take me away.”

She turned to look at the princess. “Don’t be so sure. They’ll have to go through me first, which, I can assure you, is not as easy as it sounds. So long as I’m standing, you’ll be safe.”

“I guess I’m not right now since you’re lying down.” Said with a giggle.

“Brat,” she rebuked with a smile.

Midafternoon, a variety of guards arrived, each to take their turn having their skills tested. Most proved barely adequate. Only Anita showed any kind of ability, much as it galled Casey to admit. She almost managed a sweat by the time they were done sparring.

With a nod at the woman, she said, “You’ll do, but only within the castle. Excursions outside of it with the princess are to be with me only.”

Anita took offense. “I’m the best one here.”

“Other than me. And Titan. And possibly the next person who comes after the princess.”

Anita’s gaze narrowed. “Who do you think you are, coming here and acting as if you’re better than us?”

“I’m the person who’s going to keep your princess safe.”

“Good to hear.” The single clap had her whirling to see the king had joined them. Wily bastard, she’d never heard him approach.

The princess threw herself at him and hugged his legs. “Papa! Casey threw a knife at me, and I caught it.”

To Casey’s credit, she didn’t wince at the admission, and the king only showed a slight widening of his eyes. “That’s a new skill. Good job, stinkweed.”

“And she showed me where to stick it if they’re bigger and stronger than me.” Charlotte giggled. “It’s a bad spot.”

In that moment, the princess was all child, with none of the maturity she sometimes displayed.

“Don’t need a knife to hurt them there,” Anita confided. “Come, let’s go get you bathed for dinner, and maybe if you’re quick about it, I’ll show you how to punch them just right.”

Given Casey had just offered her approval to Anita, she couldn’t exactly refuse even as she didn’t want to remain alone on the roof with the king. She couldn’t have said why. He’d done nothing. Yet, seeing him…her heart beat faster.

Roark didn’t seem in a hurry to leave. He paced closer, stripping off his jacket, revealing a different shirt than the one he’d worn that morning. “How did the sparring go this afternoon?”

“Well enough if you ignore the fact your guards need more training.”

“My men didn’t used to be soldiers. Most are still learning.”

“I’d recommend daily lessons, grouped by ability. Practice is key.”

“Now if only we had a decent sparring instructor.”

The noise she uttered held quite a bit of disparagement. “Not me. Not happening. Not ever.”

He laughed. “It was worth a try. I don’t suppose you could recommend someone?”


“Is already very busy.”

“If you don’t mind someone older, I know a person in Haven who might no longer wield a weapon but might be able to teach.”

“I’d like that.”

The spurt of pleasure made no sense. She went to move past him. “Since we’re done here, I should bathe before rejoining the princess.”

“Not yet. I’ve need of you a while longer.”

Abreast of him, she halted. “You don’t tell me what to do because you’re not my main concern. Charlie is.”

“Duly noted. However, it is you, not I, that claimed you wanted to see if I could fight.” He spread his hands as he took a step back. “Here I am. Test me.”

“You don’t have a weapon.” No holster sat at his side.

“Because I rarely need one.”

She scowled. “You are not using your mind tricks on me.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it. But I am rather proficient in hand-to-hand combat.”

“Most people will attack with a weapon.”

“Then use a knife. Two if you’d like.”

Before he’d finished speaking, the first went spinning, too high to actually hit him, and it was as if he knew. He never even ducked, just lightly angled his head to watch it sail closely overhead.

“And now you’re down to one knife.”

“That’s what you think.” The third one came out of her boot, and he smiled.

“I wonder how many more you have hidden.” He crooked his fingers, beckoning. “Shall we play?”

“This isn’t a game.”

“And yet I’m having fun.”

“Not for long.” She dropped into a half crouch, ready to take the smug look off his face, except they were interrupted.

“Your Highness,” a voice half squeaked.

Roark sighed as he turned. “What is it, Borax?”

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