Catastrophic Attraction - Eve Langlais Page 0,14

Because the king, like many others, could do incredible things. Things that could not be taught unless they possessed that particular gift.

She already knew he could call light and fire, the two one and the same really. She’d felt his pushing presence on her mental shields, probing for a way in.

What would he do if he got inside her head? Probably back away slowly when he realized what she was capable of.

Casey watched as Roark scooped up the child in the cupboard. The little girl snuggled in his arms, and rather than leave the room and take her upstairs, he placed her in his bed. He tucked the blanket around her shoulders and under her chin, keeping her warm. His big hand, more calloused than she’d expect, brushed the girl’s hair softly from her face.

It was sweet and loving. Something she’d never had as a child.

Roark kissed his daughter’s cheek before rising and joining Casey. “Watch her closely, Casey of Haven, because if Charlotte gets hurt in your care…”

“Would you like to add an evil cackle to that threat?” She arched a brow. “I’m going to protect the little princess, which means anyone who hurts her, and I mean anyone”—her turn to fix him with a glare—“won’t live to brag about it.”

He smiled. “Is that a threat?”

“A promise, you idiot.” Didn’t he realize how easily she could gut him and split him wide open?

“If I ever hurt her, I would deserve the knife. Although, could you at least go for the throat? I’d rather not watch my intestines spill.”

Her eyes widened. He did not—He couldn’t have— “Stay out of my head.”

“Don’t give me a reason to go rummaging, then.” He moved away from her, giving her his vulnerable back.

A man who obviously saw her as no threat; however, she’d gotten past the point in her existence where she felt a need to prove herself. Let him underestimate her. It might come in handy later.

She found herself moving in the same direction and noticed he’d entered a closet. It seemed the height of luxury with its row of shirts and other clothing. She had one other outfit, also black and easy to carry.

Roark emerged wearing a billowing dark blue shirt. A shame. His upper body had a toned set of muscles that pleased the eye.

“Aren’t you going back to bed?” she asked.

“I’m not going to be able to sleep, and I’ve work to do. Keep my daughter safe.” With that last admonishment, he left.

Given she knew how to rest and guard at the same time, Casey chose a plush chair in sight of the bed and dozed. She woke numerous times, hearing the change of guards outside the door, the early yells of fishermen going out with the dawn light, and the stirring of a vibrant city as it woke. And such a city. She’d never imagined anything like it. The vastness, the adventure. She wanted to explore, but she had a job, and if the day dawned, then it was time Casey woke with it. Stretching her arms, she opened her eyes. Someone stared back!

While not usually easily startled, Casey did yell and, in a smooth leap, found herself perched on the back of the chair. She gaped at the little girl in her nightgown standing wraith-still in front of it.

Rather than ask how the child managed to sneak up on someone who usually was the one causing bladder-control issues, Casey cocked her head and said, “Hi.”

The child continued to stare

It was kind of eerie, especially since she was used to Kylie who chattered nonstop.

“My name is Casey. I’m your new—” She didn’t say bodyguard because it belatedly occurred it might frighten the child. “Um, companion.” Was that even a thing? Inside Haven, their more senior members were known as the guardians when parents couldn’t be around. But she wasn’t the coddling kind.

Uncanny eyes perused her. Dark, and not like her father’s.

Was she mute? Casey knew nothing really about the girl, just that the king’s daughter needed protecting and her name was Charlotte.

“Do you remember what happened last night?”

“You were there.” The girl finally spoke, the words soft.

“I was,” Casey said, a little bit surprised. She’d not thought the child had seen her before fleeing via the vent. She decided the girl deserved the truth. “I’ve been tasked with protecting you.”

Incredibly long lashes blinked, the darkness of them and her brows contrasting with the paleness of her hair. “You killed the monster last night.”

It felt like an interrogation, and strange Copyright 2016 - 2024