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like that because he was forced to, but that wasn't the case. The three were standing together, shoulder to shoulder, like allies. Her throat tightened so quickly that she couldn't speak. Bile rose up her throat, pooling in her mouth. All that time together in the cave, all those things he told her - the stolen kisses - everything was a lie. It was to lure her in, to make Kahli trust him. A sensation so bitter, so sour filled her stomach and fluttered through her body that she couldn't stand to look at him another second. The wind blew cold and fierce. Kahli was like that wind - cold and brutal - and completely alone.

Glancing at them, she had to make a choice. There was no time to ask Will what he was doing, if this was what it looked like, if all the things he's said to her were lies - there was no time for any of that. For their plan to work, she had to act now, but Will was standing with them. There was no way to protect him.

Tears stung her eyes, but Kahli refused to let them fall. This was his decision. Will was standing with the wrong side. He chose the vampires over her. There was no way to save him now. Pressing her eyes closed, Kahli allowed the pain to flood her body. Her voice was firm when those green eyes opened again, determination prominent. Kahli blinked at Will, his face fading as her lashes fell. Turning away, she said, "Light it."

Instantly, a wall of flames sprung from the ground, like golden bars of light, nearly engulfing the vampires closest to her, including Will. He stepped back, staring at her through the flickering flames, refusing to sever their gaze. Kahli's stomach twisted, her throat felt like it was crushed. There were shouts of shock as the flames shot out of the ground like sleeping beasts. Screams of pain sprung out as the wall of flame raced toward the palace. Another bright spot flickered in the distance, racing toward them, trapping the vampires behind the inferno. The flames formed a golden cage, holding the vampires back. The flames hissed, pushing the vamps away from Kahli and toward the palace. The wall of flames billowed with black smoke, stretching high into the night sky. Will wasn't the only set of eyes on Kahli. The King's golden gaze was locked on her face, his chest filling with smoke as he breathed in the air. His body was too close to the flames, but he refused to step back. Reggie finally pulled him away, shouting things Kahli couldn't hear over the roaring flames. The rest of the vampires scattered when the flames flew through the landscape, and raced back toward the palace. Vampires ran toward their home to protect it, while others went up in flames, having the misfortune of having the fire spring on them like a wolf. The suits they wore were very warm, but very flammable.

More screams erupted as Kahli stood there, eyes locked with Will, her red hair dancing in the wind like tongues of fire. It seemed like a lifetime, standing there, staring at him. Somewhere in the back of Kahli's mind, she knew she needed to run, but her feet wouldn't listen. They remained glued to the spot as the fire flared in front of her. Cole ran forward, and grabbed Kahli by the wrist. The rune burned as he touched her, but Cole didn't let go. He tugged hard, and Kahli finally stumbled away from the smoke and flames, choking as the wind shifted and blew the black smoke in her face. Cole raced away from the wall of flames, making sure their bodies were lost in shadow beyond the flickering golden light. Kahli felt empty, like someone carved out her insides and left them with Will. She didn't feel anything as they ran, and the banshee-like screams of the vampires burning within the palace walls floated over her like a whisper. It was a moment that should have made her feel something - pride, fear, fulfilled vengeance - but Kahli felt nothing.

Cole was hissing at her as they ran, but she didn't hear him either. She couldn't focus. Cole's words floated over her like snowflakes lost in the wind. He stopped where he had a bike waiting. Out of breath, he turned to Kahli, scolding, "Snap out of it." When she didn't blink, Cole grabbed her shoulders and Copyright 2016 - 2024