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things to ask. He was loyal to so many people. What would happen to him when he stood before all of them, and they all told him to kill each other? Which rune would win? Did it work like that? Kahli didn't know.

"I have no idea what we're doing. I agree with Kahli. This is reckless. The best I can come up with is that you offer the Queen your services and a peace offering - me and Kahli - and hope she doesn't lop your head off before you finish speaking. Sorry, Reggie, but that's a weak plan."

Reggie didn't speak. Kahli looked horrified when she turned back to Reggie. "That's it? Are you insane?"

"Blood of a feather, kills together," he said.

Kahli's lip curled. She glanced at Will and mouthed, Is he crazy, too?

"Maybe," Will smirked. "We'll have to wait and see. Since, Reggie prides himself on being smarter than everyone else, we just have to hope he is."

Kahli exhaled loudly, "How can you be so calm?"

"What would you have me do?" Will asked.

Kahli looked at him. She didn't want Will in that throne room. She knew what he was, what Reggie planned on doing with him. Will was a walking sacrifice, a slave. He threw himself through Reggie's window to save her, but by putting himself in Reggie's presence, he endangered himself. If the vampire wanted to, Reggie could destroy him. There were so many things she wanted to say to Will. Now she'd never have the chance. Glancing through the front windshield, Kahli knew this was her last chance. The gates were getting closer, looming in the distance like charred bones jutting from the snow.

Kahli made sure she didn't glance at the door this time. Instead she smiled sadly at Will, only one corner of her lips rising. "Something else, somewhere else. I have a feeling that I'm going to be your undoing." Without warning, Kahli grabbed the door handle and pushed.

Will's brow pinched together before his eyes widened. "Don't!" he yelled, snatching at her hand, but Kahli already had the door open, and had thrown herself out.

Her body slammed into the ice, and rolled toward the bank, careful to avoid the other vehicles. The snowmobile to the right of the truck nearly ran her over, but it veered at the last second and crashed into the snow bank. Gasping, Kahli jumped to her feet. She threw herself over the top of the snow bank on the side of the road, clinging to the ice as she went, and slid down the other side. Jumping to her feet, Kahli ran into the darkness.

Reggie continued driving. He didn't even brake. A growling noise filled the cab. Will slammed his head back into the seat, frustrated, his hands pressing into his eyes hard and muttering curses.

"Well?" Reggie asked, irritated. "Go after her! None of this works if we show up without her. Go!" The truck slowed and Will jumped out the door, flinging himself from the truck. Reggie yelled, as he leaned across to yank to the door closed, "Find her!"

Kahli ran hard, her feet getting just enough traction to keep her from sliding on the ice. The new layer of fresh snow helped. Heart pounding against her ribs, Kahli ran. She ran away from the vehicles and into the orchard where the snow mobiles and bikes couldn't follow. It was too dark and the snow was falling too hard. Visibility sucked, and that was the only thing working in her favor. As it was, she barely had a head start, but it was enough that the vampires didn't find her right away.

A plan started to form in her mind, coming together like pieces of wet paper. She shifted them around in her head until she came up with a scenario that worked, and gave her a chance to get to Cassie. Grinning like she was crazy, Kahli thought, It doesn't matter if they find me, I just have to get to the palace first.

The ground wasn't smooth. It rolled with small hills that made it difficult for the vehicles to get a light on her. Every time Kahli thought they saw her, she suddenly disappeared behind a little hill, sliding on her back, before crouching and then jumping to her feet and taking off at a full run. This was the only way to save Will. It was the only way to make sure he didn't end up in the room with her, and Reggie.

Kahli ran until her legs Copyright 2016 - 2024