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something like this. Pushing away the thought, Cassie did what she had to. She crawled to Brent, where he lay in the center of the bed with his back against the pillows. He was looking up at her with excitement clearly strewn across his face. Cassie smiled lazily as she leaned closer to him, making him breathless. Her dark long hair fell over her shoulders; her dress gaped giving him a good view of her slender form. "You are never going to forget tonight, Brent. Ever." Before he could grin any harder, Cassie leaned forward and pressed her lips to his.

Revulsion shot through her, but Cassie didn't pull away. As the kiss deepened, Brent's hands lifted and slid down her sides, cupping her butt and pulling her closer. Cassie wanted to punch him in the face, but she didn't. Instead she managed a moan, like she liked his man-paws crushing her. As she kissed him, one of her hands tangled in his hair, while the other reached down the front of her bodice.

When his hands came up to remove the dress, Cassie whispered in his ear, "Allow me." Brent's body was so tense. If he didn't let her, she knew she was screwed.

"Damn, Cassie. Do it. Strip." Brent's voice was husky, and he grinned at her as he said it. He had no clue.

Cassie moved her leg, as if she was going to climb on top of Brent, but her hand reached down her bodice, and gripped her improvised weapon. Cassie used the fashion tape to secure the tiny pair of scissors Miriam had in her sewing kit. It was the only place the guards didn't check. The metal was cold and sharp as knives. One flick with these and Brent would bleed out. Cassie slowly slid one leg over Brent and leaned in close to him. She pressed the cold metal under his chin, knowing her long dark hair blocked the shears from the windows. No one could see what she was doing to him. No one would interfere.

Brent sucked in a startled gasp, "What the - ?"

"Shhh," Cassie leaned down and whispered in his ear, "We're doing things my way. If you don't I'll shove these scissors into your guts and you'll bleed out before they realize what's happened." Cassie's eyes lifted to the windows when she said it. The vamps could only watch what they could see, and despite their precautions, Cassie got a weapon into the room. No one suspected her. Poor weak Cassie. She played to that assumption. Weak didn't mean stupid.

"What do you want me to do?"

As Cassie opened her mouth to tell him, the ceiling above them shattered. Brent screamed and covered his face with his hands. Shards of glass fell like rain. Cassie rolled off of Brent and onto the floor, yanking the blanket at the foot of the bed over her bare skin. The scissors went flying. Before she could peek out, a strong hand was on her, wrapped around her arm, pulling her to her feet.

"Are you all right? Cassie, talk to me!" Cole said urgently, shaking her.

Cassie's eyes were wide. "Are you insane?"

Cole shook his head, "Not today." The way he said it made her heart clench. He was being serious. Cole looked at Brent, ready to do something vicious.

"Cole! Stop!" Cassie grabbed his arm as Cole spun towards Brent.

When Cole dropped from the ceiling, Brent sat there, too afraid to move - to speak. "I didn't touch her," he said lifting his hands.

"You would have,"

"She wanted it," Brent said, certain that Cassie did want him.

Cole's fist flew, but before it could connect with Brent's face, Cassie grabbed Cole's arm. Yanking it back by the elbow wasn't enough. Cole was too strong, so she dropped to her knees and used her body weight to pull Cole backward. He looked down at her like she was crazy.

"Stop," she scolded, hanging from his arm like a rag doll. "I had this under control. I was going to make it look like we did something, but he didn't touch me. Whatever you're doing kind of screwed that up. So clue me in or get out." Cassie held her hands on her hips as she scolded him. Cole's eyes didn't drift off her face.

"What I'm doing?" Cole said, shaking her off. Cassie stumbled, but managed to get to her feet. "I'm saving you!"

"No! You messed up my plan!" Cassie yelled and pointed to the windows above, "They're gonna notice that, if they haven't Copyright 2016 - 2024