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can do what I like, as long as I'm loyal to you, so what do you care if I favor her?"

Kahli's green eyes sparkled like gems. They darted between the two as they spoke, but she said nothing. Will could feel a pulling sensation in her gut like he was hurting her, stretching her too far, too fast. There was no time to deal with that now. There was no way to explain what he was and what he'd done. The part that Will wanted to reveal the most was the one thing he could never say. It was the thing that would destroy any chance they had of being together. His thumb brushed the rune on the back of her wrist as he thought about it. Kahli was promised to someone else. Reggie was right, even if the vamp didn't know why.

"Just don't do anything stupid, and stop drooling on her," Reggie responded not looking at them.

"I'm right here. You can act like it." Kahli said and leaned back in her seat, folding her arms across her chest.

Will laughed.

Reggie responded, "Yes, I don't see how we could forget. You are the one that caused all these problems. It seems fitting that you're the one to end them." Before Kahli could say a word, Reggie broke formality and blurted out, "Oh, shut up and listen. This is what we are doing once Sophia's guards find us." Reggie began to speak, filling in bits of information that Will suspected and other things that he already knew. Kahli remained leaning against the door, looking bored, but her sharp gaze didn't fool him. She was listening, trying to figure out every scenario, looking for a way to win - to escape. No matter what Kahli said or promised, she was wild and no wild creature willingly surrendered their freedom.

Chapter 27

Cassie's heart pounded in her chest, as she walked to her Pairing. Two guards accompanied her, one trailing behind to make sure she didn't try to run away. Cassie was somber, watching her bare feet fall one in front of the other, as she followed the guard in front down the long hall. Each of the girls was taken out one at a time. Alice was escorted away first. She was beautiful, but the sullen expression in her eyes made Cassie's heart break. There was no way to stop the Pairing.

As they walked down the long hall, two maids entered and started to pull the long drapes closed to keep out the night chill. Cassie watched them do it as the last rays of light spilled through the floor to ceiling glass. This was the last time the sunlight would touch her face. After tonight, she'd be a different person. There was no way she could go through with this and remained unchanged. Lowering her gaze to the carpet, Cassie knew Cole was neck-deep in his escape plan by now. She hoped that sacrificing herself gave him the chance he needed to get away undetected. No one was watching for him this evening. He wasn't Paired with anyone.

As they neared the room where Brent was waiting, Cassie's stomach turned to lead. She shivered, even though the palace was warm. Her steps became smaller, resulting in slower movements. The guard at her back pressed a hand to her shoulder and shoved. "Hurry up."

Cassie stumbled forward. She hurried, not wanting the vamp to touch her again. His hand felt like a rotten apple. The outside was still smooth, but the muscle beneath was soft. Her stomach twisted, threating to heave. Cassie steeled herself and kept walking. She ignored the tension in her throat that was choking her, ignored the rising bile, ignored her trembling hands, and held her head high. She chose this path. It was her life and this was what she decided to do. It was best for her and Cole.

"No regrets," she whispered to herself when they stopped in front of a large wooden door. The dark wood was carved with cherubs and swags of flowers that existed when the world was warm. Blinking, she stared at it for a moment. Before the guard had a chance to open the door, Cassie reached for the handle and twisted. "No regrets," she said more firmly and walked inside.

Her chest felt so tight that Cassie could hardly breathe. Stepping further into the room, she looked around. The ceiling was made of black glass. It was smoked, tinting the panes gray, so that it didn't Copyright 2016 - 2024