Catalyst Page 0,47

me, Reggie. We're in this together or we're not. If you don't help me save Will, then I won't help you. It'll be a lot harder to keep your head on your shoulders when the Queen finds out that I'm in your possession with a huge-ass scar on my neck. You know what she's going to think, right? That you did it."

Reggie turned toward her, his arms falling to his sides, "She'll believe whatever I tell her." He watched Kahli, waiting for her to say something, but when she didn't, he asked, "You think she won't?"

"If the King is out of the picture, it just looks damning. Maybe he had nothing to do with this," she gestured to herself, pointing at her neck with a curved wrist. "Or, maybe it was your fault. Maybe my memory isn't so good anymore, and I woke up here after you killed Will. Will was hers, too, you know. Showing up with both of us would clear up a lot of questions and put you in her favor. When heads are rolling around like snowballs, I'd think that was a good spot to be."

Reggie's eyes were black orbs. They fixated on Kahli as she spoke. His pale fingers tapped gently on his shirtsleeve. When she finished speaking, Reggie said nothing. He had a distant look in his eye, like he was trying to remember something. When he blinked again, the vacant look faded, and he slipped his hands into his pockets. "Perhaps, you're right. A trade, then. Will for your cooperation?"

"Yes," she snapped, banging the bars with the back of her hand for emphasis. "I already agreed. Drop the formality and let's get on with it."

Reggie grinned crookedly, "Not so fast, I still need you to supply me with more blood - a vial."

Kahli cringed at the idea, but agreed. She could smash the vial later. "Done. Now let me out of here." Reggie strode toward the cage and pressed his finger to the metal lock. The keypad warmed under his touch and clicked. There was a scrape and Reggie swung the door open.

"Please, sit." Reggie said, extending his long fingers toward the ugly couch.

"We need to get Will. He'll die out there if we don't go soon."

Reggie shook his head. Turning, he grabbed a black leather satchel from his desk and turned to her. Walking to the sofa he said, "All in good time; the vial first, William second." Kahli's lips pressed into a thin line, like she'd say no, so he added, "He's not in any danger. The runes would be blaring like an alarm, if he were."

Kahli watched Reggie pull out a syringe and vial from the black bag. He ripped open a needle from a sealed plastic bag and assembled the thing. Holding out his hand, he waited for Kahli to offer her arm.

"Fine," she bit the word and thrust her arm toward him. "Do it fast."

"Of course," Reggie said. Taking her by the elbow, Reggie tied off her upper arm with a piece of plastic from the kit. Kahli grit her teeth, but didn't move. His delicate fingers pushed around on her arm before he lifted the needle and pushed it into her vein. Grinning, he watched the thick red blood spill into the vial, utterly delighted.

For a moment, Kahli thought this was the stupidest thing she'd ever done - but it was Reggie. He was completely lacking in the motivation department. Odds were that he'd keep the blood for himself and have a drop now and then. She could always find it later. This wasn't a problem right now. One thing at a time, Kahli, she told herself as she watched the vial fill up. When it was full, he removed the needle, slipping it from her skin. A drop of blood pooled on her arm where the needle had been.

"May I?" he asked.

Kahli's eyes narrowed. She pulled her arm to her mouth and licked away the drop of blood. "No. One vial. That's it. Use that from now on. I don't want to get vamp herpes or whatever else you're carrying."

Reggie looked aghast. He shrunk away from Kahli swiftly and pocketed the vial. "As you wish, you vulgar creature."

Reggie felt the telltale burn of the rune two seconds before it happened. He had just enough time to turn his face toward the front of the house. A loud crash came from the front room. It sounded like three dozen wine glasses all shattered at once. Reggie pinched Copyright 2016 - 2024