Catalyst Page 0,4

Will raised his hand to her cheek, and touched her soft skin gently with his thumb. The way he looked at her made Kahli's heart pound harder. He smiled at her and dropped his hand to his side.

Kahli's voice shook slightly as she spoke, "What are these?" She pointed to the pale flesh on his upper chest, sliding her finger over the spot and awakening the runes. They burned under her touch. "These don't look like any runes I've seen." Will shivered as the runes appeared under Kahli's finger, flashing bright orange, like flames.

He smiled sadly at her, "Property runes. They identify who I belong to, which vampire clan I serve."

Kahli could feel the weight of something, some decision he made long ago, crushing him. As he looked into her eyes, she wished she could fix it and remove that pain, but she didn't know what caused it.

"Who do you belong to?" Their gazes met and held. She could feel longing burst through his body, but nothing else. No name. No sign that said THIS GUY BELONGS TO with a name tacked on the end.

Will shook his head, "Can't say. It's forbidden."

She nodded slowly, wondering who owned him. Her guesses included the king, queen, and Reggie, but she wasn't sure. "How can you be marked by more than one owner?"

He smiled at her, "They can't see the runes. As long as their wills don't conflict, I can be branded by the entire Regent." He cringed thinking about it. "Thankfully, I wasn't that stupid, to let them all brand me. Not that I had much of a choice." He saw the question in her eyes. Will sighed and pushed his hand through his hair and responded, "Stupid mistakes. I made too many of them. That's all I can say, Kahli. I'd tell you, if I were able. Being able to talk to someone about it would be freeing."

Her throat tightened as she listened to him speak. He was a slave. For some reason, Kahli didn't see it before, but she did now. Kahli knew what it felt like to be trapped. The vampires held her captive for a few weeks, but Will, he was enslaved for years.

The way Will gazed at her made Kahli notice it, the sensation snaking through her stomach. It wasn't hers. It was Will's. When he looked at her, he saw hope. It filled him up and made him stronger. What hope could she possibly bring him? There was nothing she could do to save him. She couldn't even save herself. If Will hadn't followed her from the palace, she would have bled to death.

Looking into his eyes, Kahli knew she'd fight for him, free him if she could figure out how. The way he looked at her made her uneasy. It was like Will wanted to kiss her - or more. The thing that scared her most wasn't knowing that he was drawn to her, it was no longer being repulsed by his attraction. She had feelings for him. She felt it. Will was everything she would have wanted in a mate, but he was a vampire. His blood separated them. It always would.

Looking down, Kahli stepped back. Will didn't object. He turned to grab his shirt, pulling it onto his strong shoulders, followed by his coat.

"So." Kahli's voice was firm. She looked up at Will, understanding him a little better, wishing she knew him more. "How much of this assassination have you planned?"

Chapter 3

Cassie paced nervously as she watched the three empty beds in her room. Each fluffy white bedspread sat untouched with every pillow still perfectly in place. Moonlight cut through the tall window panes, casting a soft glow on the vacant beds. Cassie's fingers drifted across Kahli's bedspread as she passed it.

No one had returned, yet. They should have all been back. How long was dinner? In her dealings with the King, he was only after one thing, and when he got it, he tossed her out. She cringed and pushed away the memory. It's just nerves, she told herself. There was no explanation for it, but Cassie felt like she was going to wretch. From the time they came in and summoned Kahli, something didn't feel right. The last time she felt this way, something hideous happened. When the King was involved, they were always at risk. Add in this feeling and she was a nervous wreck, pacing and jumpy.

Before it was too late to leave the maiden's quarters, Cassie pushed Copyright 2016 - 2024