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and she intended to keep it that way.

A servant, a lowly vampire with onion-sheer skin, entered the doorway and bowed low to the floor. Sophia let her remain like that longer than she should have, before saying, "Rise. Enter." The servant walked quickly toward the Queen. She was wearing a white microfiber suit, ready to fight outside if needed. Sophia found the girl's stride annoying. The vampire walked like she was a child, nearly skipping like these were happy times. If Sophia didn't need every vampire she could find, she would have plunged the scepter into the perky girl's heart. "Report," Sophia snapped.

The servant bowed low again and rose, avoiding the Queen's eyes, she said, "The Pairings have been announced and the humans have not protested in any way. They talk and chatter, but nothing more."

"Very good. And what of the Pairing Rooms? Have they been properly supplied? We only have one opportunity to do this. If they're missing anything, we won't have another chance." Sophia's voice trailed off as she glanced past the maid and out the door beyond. Brows pinched together she said, "The siege will begin by morning. I can feel it." Sophia's gaze drifted back to the woman. The maid had no sense. She continued to smile as Sophia spoke. Anger surged through Sophia. Her eyes were fixated on the side of the vampire girl's face. Sophia's nails clutched the arms of her throne to keep from bounding down the stairs and strangling the girl.

The maid nodded, "Yes, Your Majesty. The rooms have ample supplies. Instructions have been left with the males about how to proceed if the females protest. It was made clear how to procreate with an unwilling female, without bruising or wounding her. Penalties for bruises, abrasions, and other wounds were also posted." As the vampire spoke, she clasped her hands tightly in front of her. Her slender body was stiff, rigid with fear. The smile finally fell off her face.

"And the females that remain, were they given instructions as well?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. They were told to comply. Failure to do so will result in binding. Women who inflict injuries upon themselves to get out of the Pairing will not be sent to the infirmary. They will be denied medical attention until they cooperate. The women were all informed."

Sophia's lips pulled back into a snake-like smile, revealing pearly white eye-teeth. They ached for blood. This made her very happy. It'd been centuries since her fangs worked properly. Since she began drinking Kahli's blood, Sophia could feel them coming back to life. It was like part of Sophia awakened and she didn't intend on losing it. "News of the wild girl or William?"

The servant lowered her gaze and shook her head. "Nothing yet, but they are hurrying, Queen Sophia." Glancing up, she added quickly, "The new Trackers vowed to find her before nightfall. She will be safely in your court by twilight. They assured me of this and made it clear that I was to tell you, they will not return until the girl is in hand."

Sophia breathed in deeply, letting the words rang in her ears. The movement filled her bodice, pressing her chest firmly against the low neckline of her gown. The jewels at her throat rose slightly until she exhaled. Sophia stared straight ahead, her spine perfectly straight. The Trackers would find Kahli and then she'd never let the girl out of her sight. As for William, she had plans for him.

"Very good," Sophia finally said. The servant looked up when silence filled the room. The Queen's eyes narrowed on the girl's face. "After the Pairing, we will keep the fertile females. The rest will be handed over to the Trackers on my word. Separate them from each other, but do not tell them a thing. Do you understand?" The girl nodded. "Good. We will keep the strongest here to sustain the palace staff and the Regent. The rest are to be given to each Section that pledged loyalty when I deem it is time." Sophia paused, her lips pressed together into a thin line before she spoke again, "And, Chastity..."

The servant looked shocked that the Queen knew her name. "Yes, your Majesty?"

"If we do not survive the night, if I am assassinated by my foolish husband," Sophia spoke calmly as her lips twisted into a thin smile, "I want you and your staff to slaughter every last human in the palace. All of them, do you understand? No one survives."

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