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at Kahli, he said, "I think not. You'll do what I want, when I want, or I start removing body parts, starting with those pretty eyes." Twirling the golden rod between his fingers, Reggie smirked at Kahli, curious, "What could you possibly want to know about Will that's worth such an offer?"

Kahli felt like he wouldn't tell her anything, but she had to try. She'd swallowed enough of Will's blood to know he was alive. His pain was shooting through her body like she was the one trapped beneath the rubble. "What is he to you?"

A slow smile snaked across Reggie's angular face, "Infatuated with the boy, are we?"

"No," Kahli retorted, brows pinching together like she was disgusted. "I just want to know why everyone seems to own a piece of him."


"Yeah. You, the Queen, the King. None of you appear to get along, and yet, he seems loyal to all three of you. How could that be?"

Reginald sat back on a dated couch. It was the color of rust with tufted velvet and cream colored fringe around the skirt. It looked too dense, like it would be really hard and uncomfortable to sit on. He spread his arms over the back of the sofa and looked at her for a moment, before saying, "It must seem strange to you, but it's not. Will's previous owner owed too many people, too many things. Will was sold to me and I gifted him to my sister. He feeds me information.

"As for the King, I have no idea what relationship they had, if any. The King keeps to himself. He's as good as dead now, anyway. My sister was on the warpath last night. A very pleasant maid had the misfortune of losing her head right in front of me. Her blood nearly splattered on my shoes." He sounded more upset about his attire than about the heads rolling at the palace. Continuing, he glanced up at Kahli, "No doubt, Sophie painted the entire palace black with vampire blood last night. She'll destroy the King." Reggie's eyes drifted down and lingered on her neck, before returning to her face, "Nice patch job, by the way. I assume Will fed you vamp blood to heal that wound so fast? I can taste it, a little bit. You're not pure anymore. More like 97 proof." He laughed at his joke, comparing her to wine, and chuckled quietly like he was exceptionally funny.

As he spoke, Kahli's heart constricted. Will was completely alone. All this time, he had no one. Kahli ignored Reggie's last remark, "Will's a slave?"

"That's what the runes say," he smiled, knowing it hurt her to hear those words.

Kahli shook her head and looked down. Will, she thought hoping he could hear her, but there was nothing. No reply. The bond was too weak and she wasn't his. "He's a slave, as long as he has the runes? He has to have a master?"

"Once a slave, always a slave, but you really needn't pity him, Kahli. Will's had a good life." He watched her, knowing that saying his name like that, showing that he thought the guy was as good as dead would rattle her. "I would have thought he was dead by now, but you know he's alive, don't you?" Kahli's eyes remained on the floor of the cage. She didn't want him to see, but if she didn't look up, Reggie would know for certain. As she lifted her face, he said, "Did he claim you? Foolish boy. If he did, he'll die soon enough anyway, and then it will be as it was before."

"The King will find me," Kahli blurted out. "He drank from me. I can feel him. He's looking for me."

"Let him come. If my sister doesn't kill him, I will." Reggie said it with utter confidence, like he knew what he signed up for. He couldn't have been more wrong.

Kahli shook her head, "No, you won't. Don't you get it? You and your sister were played. The King isn't weak. He ripped open my neck with his fangs. FANGS, Reggie. He's got them. He drank from me. You and your sister can tolerate a drop of my blood, but he swallowed an entire mouthful. He's coming for me. I can feel it. And, given a choice between the two of you, I'd rather be with you."

Reggie's arms fell to his sides as he leaned forward. His black eyes locked onto hers, drinking in her words. Finally, he Copyright 2016 - 2024