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right? No matter which way this pile of crap tumbles, you and I are screwed." She nodded. There were too many people who knew of her, of her blood, and every one of them would kill Will to get to her. "If you let me drink directly from you, if my fangs pierce your neck, it will - "

She flinched, "What? Your fangs? You don't - " but before she could finish talking, she knew she was wrong. Her heart hammered against her ribs, as she watched his lips part.

He smiled at her again, but it was the kind of smile that hid heartbreak. "Bane were created to drain humans. Of course I have fangs. The Queen's edict keeps me from using them." As he spoke, Kahli could see his white eyeteeth extend. They were sharper than any wolf's fang, extending into a narrow, lethal point.

The hair on the back of her neck prickled. Will doesn't eat. He barely sleeps. He has fangs. Her jaw hung open. Shock and disgust swam across her face.

"Don't look at me like you didn't know what I was," he sounded offended. "You've known more than anyone from the beginning. I told you exactly what I was."

Kahli's hand was over her mouth. She tried not to breathe. She tried to sound rational and process his request. "How will biting me help?"

He stepped toward her, "It will diminish the King's claim on you. It was an incomplete bond. And..." his voice trailed off.

"And," Kahli prompted.

"And, it will permanently bond us. I'll be yours. You'll be able to hear me, feel me, and know without any doubt if my intentions are good or not. And you'll be mine. Another vampire cannot claim you, as long as I live." Kahli was breathing hard, staring at him. She couldn't have been more shocked, if he hit her in the face with a bear. "It's the best protection I can offer you."

"But you're a Bane," she finally spit out. "You can't do that. Can you?"

"I don't see why not. I can't say that I've ever tried, but I'm a mortal vampire. It stands to reason that I could claim you. It would weaken the King's hold on you. It would make it possible to kill Sophia and the King, without worrying about the King claiming you for himself."

Kahli shook her head slowly. "I can't. I can't give away the little freedom I have left." The way her eyes lingered on his mouth made him brave. Will walked toward her slowly, carefully.

"But, there are other rules you would break, aren't there?" He stopped in front of her and glanced down into her face. Kahli couldn't look away. Will captivated her, making every inch of her skin prickle, demanding his touch. His breath fell warm and soft on her lips, and she wished his lips were there. Kahli wished he'd press his mouth to hers. Will's hands lifted to her face, gently brushing against the smooth skin on her cheeks. "Tell me when to stop. Tell me where the line is and I won't cross it."

Will lowered his lips to hers, pressing gently. Kahli didn't move. She didn't pull away, she didn't speak. She stood perfectly still, feeling his mouth on hers. Will blinked slowly, feeling the floor of his stomach fall away, as he deepened the kiss, learning the curves of her mouth, tasting her. Kahli's heart pounded harder, but she didn't push him away. She let him kiss her, as her fingers twitched at her sides, wanting to tangle in his hair.

Will pulled Kahli closer, feeling her body press against his. His hands slipped down her bodysuit, feeling the curve of her narrow waist and full hips. "Should I stop?" he breathed, breaking the kiss. His sapphire eyes met hers. Kahli couldn't speak. She should say, Yes, but she couldn't. Her eyes locked on his, and she wanted his mouth on her, again. Kahli shook her head gently, and Will continued to kiss her until her knees buckled.

They were both breathing hard when Will stopped and scooped her up in his arms. He kissed the side of Kahli's face, trailing kisses down her neck. When she didn't say anything, he asked, "Is this the line?" He kissed her neck gently, barely pressing his lips to her skin, making her shiver.

Kahli's eyes felt heavy. She wanted to lose herself in him. She wanted everything he offered her, and more. When his fangs scraped down the side of her neck, she went Copyright 2016 - 2024