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everything, and that there was much more to tell.

It didn't matter. Not now. First, they needed to buy more time. Chipping a wolf would lead the vamps in the wrong direction and give them the head start that they had lost. Even though they'd only stopped for a short time, time was everything now and they had none.

Kahli turned to look at Will over her shoulder. The freshly fallen snow was like dust, blowing through the air in a blinding array. The tiny particles whipped into her face, each one feeling like a splinter of glass caught in the wind. There were no tracks to follow. That was good and bad. It made them harder to track, but it made finding the stray wolves harder, too. She wasn't sure where they'd be in this weather. In the past, the pack jumped on her as soon as she emerged, but today there wasn't a single beast.

Kahli's heart sank, as she looked around frantically.

Will stopped beside her, leaning close enough to be heard above the howl of the wind. "Now what?"

"What else does this thing monitor?"

"Body temperature, pulse, and location. That's it. He must have stabbed you with it before you got away."

Kahli nodded, scanning the snow banks, looking for any signs of life. After a moment her lips pulled back into a smile. "Bingo."

Will followed her gaze, shielding his eyes from the wind and sun. "Are you serious?"

"You got a better idea?" she asked, looking up at him.

"Honestly? No." Will looked at the white rodent perched on the top of the bank. It seemed to be sniffing the air. "So, is your plan to compel it or..." before he could finish asking, Kahli was gone. Will turned to look for her, but she'd already ducked low to the ground. He shook his head and folded his arms across his chest. The animal was watching him. "Or we can do this your way," he laughed.

In a flash, Kahli snuck up behind the small animal. She kept her body downwind, so it couldn't sense her approaching quietly from the side. The chip was already in the insertion device. It was round and long and fit snuggly in the palm of her hand. It worked like a knife. All she had to do was grab the animal and press the trigger on the top of the cylinder, as she stabbed. That was what the King had to done her.

In a flash, Kahli leapt, grabbing the creature by the throat with one hand, while the other hand punched the trigger. The chip was shot into the animal's hind leg as it shrieked, terrified. Kahli cooed to it and placed it back on the snow bank. It didn't wait. As soon as its furry white feet hit the snow, it took off.

Will walked up behind her with a grin on his lips, "Nice work, wild girl."

"And you wanted to compel it," she laughed, looking at him as she stood up. They both watched the animal scurry away.

"I was joking," Will said. "I would have bribed it, but your way of attacking it like a wild dog worked fine. That rabbit will never go within a hundred feet of a human again."

"Or a vampire," Kahli grinned looking up at him.

They turned to backtrack toward the bike. Will was shaking his head. "The guards are going to be all sorts of pissed when they realize they've been tracking a bunny rabbit."

Chapter 8

The King surveyed his chamber, his gaze falling on the blood that stained the room, marring its previously perfect appearance. There was no way he'd survive this if he didn't act fast. Still bleeding, he left his rooms. Stepping over the dead guard, the King walked toward the maiden's room with singular purpose. He wanted that girl - the one Kahli protected from the Purging - the one that was rightfully his.


The King pushed into the chambers, dismissing the guards as he went. When he found her room, he saw the three empty beds, and the one with the girl fast asleep. The King towered over Cassie, his slender form casting a shadow across her sleeping body.

When Cassie awoke, she gasped. Pulse pounding, she inched back in the bed until her back pressed against the headboard. Her frantic heartbeat rang in his ears. The King grabbed Cassie by the throat and yanked her from her bed. "You are coming with me."

The girl dangled, her hands frantically clutching at her neck trying to rip free from his Copyright 2016 - 2024