A Cast of Killers - By Katy Munger Page 0,152

their way."

As if on cue, a squad car pulled up by the sidewalk, siren off. But the lights flashed furiously, casting multicolored shadows for blocks down the road. Two uniformed officers stepped from the cars and approached the group cautiously, their faces obscured by shadows.

Seconds later, an ambulance came shrieking up and two paramedics hopped out with a stretcher, looked around and, seeing no one obviously injured, stood to one side and waited for orders.

Just then, amid much scrambling, deep cursing and heavy breathing, Annie O'Day appeared from the south. All that weight lifting and soccer and running and bicycling had paid off. She had Leteisha Swann firmly by the neck with one hand, while the other twisted Leteisha's arm tightly behind her back in an upward grasp.

"Let me go, you big amazon," the prostitute was arguing fiercely, her whole body trembling. But when she saw the two officers— one male, one female—she relaxed and her complaining attitude evaporated instantly. "Officers, these people are harassing me," she said in a plaintively indignant voice. "On account of my profession. This wild woman here is assaulting my person."

"Why, you liar!" Anger gave Auntie Lil strength. She struggled to her feet and leaned forward, eyes blazing. "How dare you add lying to attempted murder, you killer… you, you thief!"

"Let her go," the male officer ordered, ignoring Auntie Lil. Annie reluctantly relinquished her grip on Leteisha. The policewoman backed into position behind Annie, as if she were the troublemaker.

Leteisha took a long time before she spoke, first primping her hair, dress and gloves carefully back into place. Auntie Lil was not fooled: she was stalling for time to think up a story. Oh, how dangerous and cunning this woman was. One minute she was the quintessential cold-blooded killer and the next she could be a flustered, slightly dumb, poor little streetwalker victim of society. One who was obviously friendly with the cops on the beat.

"Like I say," Leteisha began in a polite, throaty voice. "This old lady approached me on the street and asked me for directions to the—"

"You're a damn liar!" Auntie Lil shouted as she darted forward and flailed at the woman. She had just been pushed too far. Her punches bounced off the woman's arms—she seemed made of steel. Before the policeman could interfere or his partner could get around Annie, Leteisha Swann shoved Auntie Lil and sent her flying against the concrete wall of the pier front. The fight only took a few seconds. Auntie Lil bounced off the wall and fell to the ground, groaning at the shock.

For T.S., it was the breaking point. Fifty-five years of well-bred behavior disappeared in a single enraging moment. He felt like he was underwater, swimming up for air. The breath exploded in his lungs; his ears began to ring. Red spots swam before his eyes and power surged through his body, energizing him with unbelievable fury.

"Don't you ever touch my aunt again," he announced just before he drew back a fist and sent it crashing into the center of the prostitute's face. He heard a crack as his knuckles went numb. Leteisha Swann flew backwards, where she hit the pier railing and crumpled to a silver heap on the sidewalk.

Officer King grabbed T.S. from behind, locking his arms firmly at his side. The assembled crowd stared at the still figure of the prostitute in amazement, then turned and gawked at T.S.

The policewoman calmly helped Auntie Lil to her feet and bent over to take a look at Leteisha Swann.

"Help her up, too," the male officer ordered his partner. The policewoman grabbed the prostitute by both arms and hoisted her upright.

Annie O'Day peered at Leteisha Swann's face closely. "You broke her nose," she pointed out to T.S. with undisguised approval.

The policeman released T.S. and took a closer look. "That's assault and battery," he warned T.S. darkly.

"There's something funny about her," Auntie Lil declared, glaring at Leteisha as she struggled to catch her breath.

The prostitute groaned and her head bobbed groggily. Her hair had slipped wildly to one side.

"That's a wig," Nellie announced darkly. "Not a good one, either, if you ask me."

Little Pete was staring at Leteisha Swann.

"What's the matter, son?" Nellie asked him kindly. She put her hand on the young boy's arm. "You're trembling. What is it? Tell us."

Little Pete could not speak. He just stared at Leteisha, then looked to T.S. for help. In a single glance, T.S. understood. Darting forward before the officers could stop him, T.S. grabbed at

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