Cast into Doubt - By Patricia MacDonald Page 0,14

turned and looked around. ‘Yes,’ he said. He turned back to Shelby. ‘She just arrived. Shelby, this is the Chief of Police here in St Thomas, Chief Giroux. This is my mother-in-law, Shelby Sloan.’

‘Please,’ said the policeman. ‘Mrs Sloan, I’d like to speak to you in my office.’

‘Shall I come?’ Rob asked.

‘No, why don’t you wait out here.’ It was an order, not a question. The police chief guided Shelby by her forearm, as if she were blind. They walked into a spacious, light-filled office where two other men were seated, talking quietly. There were three pots of shiny-leafed, tropical plants on the window sill, and on the walls was an assortment of framed diplomas and citations. The other men stood up as Shelby was led into the room.

‘Mrs Sloan, let me present to you Mr Warren DeWitt from the FBI, and Captain Fredericks, the ship’s captain.’

Captain Fredericks took off his hat and turned it nervously in his hands as he gave her a brief nod. Agent DeWitt extended a hand to her and Shelby shook it. Then she gripped the back of the chair in front of her, feeling suddenly faint.

‘Mrs Sloan, please sit down,’ said Chief Giroux.

Shelby seated herself carefully in the chair he offered.

Chief Giroux bent down and spoke to her kindly. ‘Can one of my officers get you something to drink? You’ve had a terrible shock and a long trip. Something hot? Tea perhaps? Or a cold drink?’

‘No, I’m fine,’ Shelby whispered.

The FBI agent and the ship’s captain resumed their seats. Captain Fredericks fiddled with the brim of his hat.

Shelby looked at Agent DeWitt, a beefy man with a beard, wearing a jacket and tie. ‘Why is the FBI here?’ she said in a small, frightened voice.

DeWitt leaned forward in his chair. ‘It’s standard procedure, Mrs Sloan. St Thomas, being a US possession, is in our jurisdiction. Captain Fredericks contacted Chief Giroux when it became clear that your daughter was no longer on board the ship. Chief Giroux contacted the Bureau, as well as the Coast Guard, for help.’

Shelby stared at him. Her lips were so dry that they felt like they were made of paper. She could barely raise her voice above a whisper. ‘I don’t understand. Was there . . . a crime?’

‘We don’t know that,’ said Agent DeWitt. ‘It was, most likely, an accident.’

‘You talk as if she was . . . as if Chloe . . .’ She couldn’t bring herself to finish the sentence.

‘The search is ongoing,’ Chief Giroux said kindly. Shelby grasped at the word ‘search’ as at a life preserver. ‘Yes, the search . . .’

She looked hopefully at Captain Fredericks, a tanned, wiry, white-haired man dressed in a white uniform. He started when she met his gaze. Then he cleared his throat. ‘The Coast Guard,’ the captain explained, ‘sent an HU-25 Falcon jet to the scene as well as a Dolphin helicopter, and two Coast Guard cutters. They have been looking for her ever since I alerted them to your daughter’s disappearance.’

‘In addition,’ said Chief Giroux, ‘we have many local fishermen and boaters who have volunteered to aid in the search.’

‘How long has it been?’ Shelby whispered.

Agent DeWitt frowned, and looked at the captain. ‘Well, we received notification at about five thirty this morning.’

‘That’s when my son-in-law called me,’ said Shelby.

‘But we surmise, from the evidence now available, that she fell overboard somewhere between eleven and twelve midnight,’ said Agent DeWitt.

Shelby gasped as if they had punched her. The men exchanged grim glances.

Warren DeWitt cleared his throat. ‘According to your son-in-law, he got back to the room around midnight. When he realized that your daughter wasn’t there, he went looking for her. He then asked a steward for help, and, when they both couldn’t find her, they went to the captain. Captain Fredericks ordered a search of the boat.’

‘You went back the way you came, looking for her?’ Shelby said hopefully to the captain.

The ship’s captain nodded. ‘When the search was completed, yes, we turned around and headed back,’ said Fredericks.

It took a moment for the import of his words to dawn on Shelby. ‘When the search was completed? How long did that take?’

The captain tapped anxiously on the crown of his hat. ‘It took approximately three hours to search the ship.’

Shelby covered her mouth with her hands and stared at him. Finally, she said, ‘You left my daughter in the ocean and kept going? For three hours?’

The captain did not flinch. ‘We don’t stop the ship and Copyright 2016 - 2024