Captured (Shadow Guild Hades & Persephone #3) - Linsey Hall Page 0,21

do not need your gentle words.”

I disagreed. That was exactly what he needed. His life had been nothing but sharp edges and darkness since he’d been created. Yet somehow, there was light inside him.

“Where does it come from?” I asked. “The light inside you.”

His brow furrowed, and his jaw tightened. “I do not know. But that question has haunted me. It does not make sense, given everything else I know.”

“Many things don’t make sense.”

He turned to me and gripped my arms, pulling me close. Tension tightened the air between us, a tug so tight that I felt like the universe was binding us together with heat and sparks.

My chest was pressed nearly to his, only inches away. I could feel the heat of him, despite the air and clothing that separated us. I could see the conflict warring within his eyes, the heat and desire. He was so impossibly gorgeous, so tortured. I wanted to press my lips to his and make him forget every terrible thing that he fought.

No. That was stupid. I couldn’t do that. Shouldn’t.

He drew a shuddery breath. “The only thing that makes sense is you. I…care for you, Seraphia.”

My heart clutched at the words, delight spinning through me. It was crushed quickly, though, memories flashing through my mind. Despite the desire between us, we were enemies. Did he even know how to care?

“You don’t care, though.” My tone was desperate, angry even. “You could choose the light. That is how you would prove you care. And yet you do not. You just want me, and you think that’s caring.”

His chest heaved as he stared down at me, eyes flashing. When he spoke, his low, rough voice scraped over my skin in the most delicious way. “I do want you. That is true.”

Every inch of me tingled with awareness, and my entire body vibrated. His scent wrapped around me, and memories of kissing him sent heat fizzing through my veins.

I met his eyes, and the heat in them nearly lit me ablaze.

Kiss me.

I couldn’t help the thought.

When he pulled me to him and crushed his mouth to mine, it was as if he’d heard me. His lips were soft and cool, yet forceful, sending a shiver of pleasure through me. I moaned and wrapped my arms around him, desperately wanting to feel every inch of him against me. His huge form dwarfed mine, his strong arms holding me to his chest as his mouth ravaged my own.

Pleasure shot through me, lighting up every nerve ending. A low groan reverberated through him as he tasted me, and he was ravenous, as if he couldn’t get enough. He cupped the back of my head, holding me close for his kiss as he ran his other hand up my back.

I could stay here forever, lost in his kiss.

But I couldn’t.

It was hard to remember why, but I just couldn’t.

He’s using you.

I pulled away, panting.

Of course that was it. He might want me, but at the end of the day, he was using me to bring about his terrible goals.

Hades’ huge form was curved protectively over mine, his massive shoulders blocking out the moonlight as he looked down into my face. His breathing was heavy, and his cheeks were flushed, his pupils blown out with desire.

He’s never had this.

I drew in a shuddery breath and forced away the wayward thought. It didn't matter. He was still my enemy, no matter how much I was growing to care for him. His strong arm was still wrapped around my back, his other hand clutching my head. We were so close that our heaving breaths mingled on the night air.

“Let me go.” My tone was firm.

He shuddered briefly, then dropped his arms, stepping back.

“I asked you to join me once, and you refused,” he said.

“Of course I did.”

He shook his head. “You won’t refuse next time. I’ll see to it.”

“You can see to it. You can guarantee that I join you by giving up your goal. Defeat Chronos with me, then let the Earth go on as normal. “

“I can’t do that.”

“No, you won’t. There’s a difference.”

He looked confused. I should have felt vindicated that he didn’t know the difference between caring and wanting, but I didn’t.

Because I wanted both from him—the caring and the desire.

And I could only have one.

“All you need to do is choose the light and give up your terrible goal,” I said. “And then we have a chance.”

“You’re asking me to give up what I am. What I’ve Copyright 2016 - 2024