Captured - Cara Wylde Page 0,29

wasn’t going to let go of Isabel’s long, fragile neck. Not before it was snapped in two.

“You fucking idiot,” I told Thorn. “You let her escape.”

“I fucking didn’t!”

“Then why isn’t she in her cell?”

“She needed clothes and to… to… use the bathroom!” He said the last words in a lower tone.

“You were stupid.”

“Yes, he was!” Reid yelled in my face. “But if you kill her now, you’re worse than him.”

I looked into Reid’s green eyes. “And why’s that, brother?”

He bared his sharp canines at me. “Because I want to put my dick in her first, knot her, fill her with cum, and then… then you can do whatever the fuck you want.”

Thorn sighed. “How about don’t kill her because you’re not a killer?”

I laughed out loud. “Not a killer? You forgot what we did to her family? Well, if it helps you sleep at night…”

“They were guilty! She’s not!”

And there it was. The proof that Thorn was falling for her. It disgusted me. But they weren’t going to let this go.

“You can’t kill a defenseless woman, Jax! This isn’t you!”

“Fuck you! You don’t know me!” But my grip on her neck was already loosening.

“Look, I don’t care if she dies,” Reid tried again. “Just… let me play with her first.”

I shook my head. “You’re both pathetic.” I unclenched my fist and dropped Isabel. As usual, Thorn was there to catch her. I took a couple of steps back and spat on the ground. “Do whatever you want. I’m done.”



That had been such a bad idea. I should have known better than to try to escape. It should have occurred to me that one of them would track me down before I reached safety. But in my desperation, I’d ignored something very important, and now here we were.

Thorn and Reid had brought me back to my cell, and now they loomed over me, both of them furious. What little softness I’d seen before in Thorn’s demeanor was completely gone. His brown eyes glowed with the same viciousness I’d seen in his brothers. It reminded me of the tattoo on his back – The Face of War.

“You shouldn’t have done that, Isabel,” he said, baring his fangs of me. “Nobody lies to one of the Woodwards and lives to tell the tale.”

“Come on, brother,” Reid said. “Don’t be like that. You heard Jax. There’s no reason to scare her now. We can do whatever we want. And what I want right now isn’t to kill her.”

I knew exactly what they wanted. After their earlier shift, they were naked, leaving their bodies fully exposed to my view. And since I was on my knees and they were standing, I was conveniently at eye level with their erections. They might have been furious with me, but their desire was still there.

Looking at them, I had to admit that the idea wasn’t completely… unappealing. Leaving aside our awful circumstances, there was just something about them that made my body melt from the inside out.

One touch from them had aroused me more than all the times I’d had sex with my last boyfriend, put together. I’d come so close to having an orgasm too. It was a pretty big deal, since none of my boyfriends had ever made me come.

The Woodward brothers were so… intense. Their voices, their muscular bodies, the way they spoke, and even their crazy transformation – it all turned me on. I wanted to touch them. I wanted to trace the lines of their tattoos with my fingers and my tongue. I wondered if I’d still be able to taste the wolfsbane in the ink. Probably not, but in a way, maybe it would be suitable.

They were poison for me, and I was poison for them. But I couldn’t avoid this.

Besides, it was my only way out. My mistake had been to rashly jump into things. I couldn’t run away, not right now, but I could still try to seduce them.

It was a little easier said than done. There was something about Reid that was different now. Every other time he’d spoken, he’d been flirty, if cruel, but now, his voice was sharp, almost cold. It felt so wrong on him, on someone I couldn’t help but see as such a passionate person.

I’d hurt them. It was strange to realize that I had any kind of power over them, but I couldn’t deny the truth.

“I’m sorry,” I blurted out. “I was scared. I didn’t mean… I just… This is all happening so Copyright 2016 - 2024