Captured - Cara Wylde Page 0,21

I stumbled, coming very close to falling. In the process, I ended up more or less showing him my rear, and he made an appreciative noise.

“What a nice view,” he taunted me. “Is that an invitation, bitch?”

“It’s not!” I snapped, still backing away from him.

On some level, I knew he was just playing with me. If he’d wanted to, he could have caught me at any moment. But my body was working on autopilot. I was his prey and he was a predator. I needed to run. That was the only thing I knew, the only thing that made sense.

I didn’t know how long he kept chasing me around the cell, laughing as I pointlessly tried to escape. Finally, he decided he’d had enough. Moving faster than the eye could see, he reached my side, grabbed my arm, and pinned me to the stone wall of the cave, face front.

His claws nudged my throat and I froze, too terrified to move a muscle.

“You know,” he said almost idly, “I’ve always loved the scent of fear on a woman.” He buried his nose in my hair and inhaled. “It’s so sweet. Like you’re a flower and your dread makes you bloom. Heh… Here I am, sprouting poetry. I bet Thorn would love this bullshit. Or maybe you do too?”

His other hand caressed my waist, and he pressed his body to mine. The stone felt icy cold against my bare skin, and compared to that, he was like a furnace. Did he expect me to reply? I couldn’t.

“Maybe we could reach some kind of middle ground,” he said. “I could write lyrics on your ass… in your own blood. How does that sound?”

It sounded terrifying, which made my reaction to his words even stranger. When he pressed his lips to my neck and started kissing me with an almost feverish desperation, I couldn’t help but lean into his caresses. There was something addicting about the way he was touching me, as if his strength and overwhelming passion were drugging me.

“Reid,” I gasped out.

“Yes, baby,” Reid hissed in my ear. “That’s it. Surrender to me. Be mine.”

We’d have undoubtedly had sex if an angry voice hadn’t interrupted us. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing, Reid?”

Reid let me go so suddenly I slid to the ground, my knees refusing to hold me upright. As he turned, I looked past him, only to see a furious Jax stalking toward us.

“I would think that’s pretty obvious, Jax,” Reid told him. “I don’t see what the problem is. You said I could have some fun with her.”

“Yes, I did,” Jax replied, “but not like this, not until she learns her place. She’s a disgusting human whore. You can fuck her if you want, but don’t lose yourself to it, for fuck’s sake.”

Reid snarled at his brother, clenching his hands into fists. “Give me a fucking break. Like you’re one to talk. I bet you want to fuck her just as much.”

“But I’m not the one playing catch with the human in her cell like some kind of idiotic pup, am I?” Jax growled.

His words were beginning to get harder and harder to understand, the animalistic tone of his voice making them incomprehensible.

“Don’t lie to me, Reid. You know I don’t care what you do to your whores, but this is different. Her family murdered Chase! This isn’t just about your dick!”

“Do you think I’m not angry about what happened to Chase? Is that it?”

“If you are, you have a funny way of showing it! We’re not going to fuck her until we make her suffer.”

For a few seconds, I thought Reid was going to lunge at his brother and attack him. The thought both terrified me and filled me with hope. Maybe if they were busy with one another, I’d be able to make my escape.

But I wasn’t so lucky. Reid took a deep breath and his shoulders slumped. “Fucking fine. I’m going.” He shot one last look toward me and added, “But this isn’t over.”

Without another word, he stalked out of the cell, leaving me alone with Jax. Great. At least Reid genuinely seemed to want me. Jax’s sole desire was to make me suffer.

Once we were alone, Jax turned the full extent of his anger onto me. “You’re really a piece of trash, aren’t you, human? It’s not enough that you took Chase from us. You have to destroy Reid too.”

“I… I didn’t do anything,” I tried to defend myself. “He was just…”

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