Captive of the Horde King (Horde Kings Of Dakkar #1) - Zoey Draven Page 0,95


“Perhaps because there are no outsider settlements anywhere near here,” she commented. “They are the opposite of Dakkari. Wasteful, all-consuming. They do not care of the destruction they leave behind. They only take.”

My hand paused in plucking a berry off the bush. My eyes flashed up to her but her expression seemed innocent enough. “Human settlements, you mean?” I questioned slowly.

“Lysi,” she said immediately. She looked up at me, her green-rimmed eyes contracting on me. “Oh but you are not human anymore, are you, Morakkari? I meant no offense.”

Yes, she did, my gut told me. She’d meant to say that, had said it purposefully to hurt me, to draw a clear line between us. Dakkari and human. In her eyes, I would never be Dakkari, despite her words.

Inhaling a long breath through my nostrils, I didn’t want to give up. I didn’t want to go back to ignoring the other’s existence because it made things awkward around camp, around Arokan.

Brow furrowing, I said carefully, “Hukan…I want there to be peace between us. For Arokan’s sake. He cares for you deeply. I know you have never liked me. I know you think Arokan can do better than me.”

She paused in plucking as well, turning to look at me with an unreadable expression. There was a familiar flickering in her gaze which made dread pool in my belly, which made me think that once again, we were back to where we’d been before. I wondered why it had reversed so quickly.

“But he chose me,” I said, steeling my voice, needing her to understand. Softly, I confessed to her words I had not even told Arokan yet. “I love him. And I believe he loves me too. I am his queen and I am not going anywhere, no matter what you—”

I heard rustling and quick footsteps behind me. I heard the hiss of a blade and I spun around, my heart pounding in my chest, knowing that something was wrong.

In disbelief, I saw two Ghertun hovering over the still bodies of my guards. They were on the ground, blood pooling from daggers sticking from their sides. The Ghertun had snuck up from behind. They’d never even had time to draw their swords.

My basket of kuveri dropped to the forest floor and I gasped, backing away, their slitted eyes directly on me.

“Hukan,” I said softly, swallowing past the lump in my throat, my eyes going to the daggers imbedded in my guards’ side. If only I could get to one. “We must—”

I turned around, only to find three more Ghertun standing behind Hukan. My eyes widened in alarm.

“Watch out!”

She didn’t move and avoided me when I reached for her.

The Ghertun didn’t make a move towards her.

“This is her?” one of them asked, that raspy, slithering voice making bumps break over my flesh.

“Lysi,” Hukan replied, her eyes cold, her jaw set. She turned from me, looking at the Ghertun over her shoulder. She wore an expression of disgust as she regarded him, her lips pressing together. “You said you would not kill the warriors.”

“H-Hukan,” I whispered in shock. Then anger enveloped me, rage that made my hands shake. She’d betrayed Arokan, betrayed me, betrayed the horde. And now two innocent Dakkari were dead because of it.

“Hurry and take her away,” Hukan snapped at them. “Before he realizes she is missing.”

Realization flooded me and without another moment of hesitation, I turned on my heel and tried to run.

Only to be caught by the two Ghertun that had killed my guards. I struggled in their arms, jabbing my elbows anywhere I could, trying to turn my head to bite them. All they did was let out a disgusting sound resembling a laugh.

“Remember our agreement,” Hukan said, her tone cold. “You never harm another member of the horde, never come close to our camp, or the Vorakkar again. Do you understand?”

“Yes, female,” one of them hissed, the leader. He approached me, brushing past Hukan. I smelled his rancid breath, felt the heat of it brush my cheek, as he said, “Our king will find her quite…amusing. An enemy horde king’s bride. We will be rewarded greatly.”

Hukan’s jaw clenched and she looked away from me.

And I realized there was only one thing left to do. I just prayed someone would hear me.

I dragged in a deep breath, about to scream as loud as I could.


The Ghertun’s fist struck out. I felt pain explode at my temple.

Then the world went dark.

Chapter Thirty-Three

When I woke next, I smelled smoke.

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