Captive of the Horde King (Horde Kings Of Dakkar #1) - Zoey Draven Page 0,100

the small space, the rock pressing tight around me. At the last moment, I saw a broken fragment at my feet and I paused, before picking it up. I stepped out from my hiding place, cocked my arm back and threw the rock as far as I possibly could, in the opposite direction.

The forest was silent as I heard it clatter off another rock and then I squeezed myself back inside the crack when I heard the leader’s voice sound again. They’d heard it. Good.

A few moments later, I heard quick footsteps approach. I dragged in a silent, deep breath, holding it. A few yards away, I saw two Ghertun pass, though I couldn’t tell if the leader was one of them. They ran in the direction of where I’d thrown the rock and when they passed, I let out my breath slowly, relieved.

I felt blood drip down my hand from the dagger. Ghertun blood. It was still warm but I refused to think about it. Still, I wiped my hand and the dagger on my pants until it was clean.

I don’t know how long I waited, but I kept quiet. I listened. In the distance, far enough away, I heard loud Ghertun voices carry, bouncing off the boulders, echoing back to me. I listened until I didn’t hear them anymore and I prayed that they’d continue on in the direction of where I’d thrown the rock, far, far away.

When I felt it was safe, I slowly wiggled out from the crack, still clutching the dagger tight, and turned in the opposite direction. I didn’t run. I kept my steps light and quiet, using the boulders to shield me from sight just in case.

My heart froze in my chest when I heard anguished screams in the distance. Breathing hitching, I realized it was from the direction the two Ghertun had gone.

Their yells filled the forest and I stilled, placing my back against a boulder as I listened, heart pounding.

Then, bright relief filled me when I heard Dakkari orders echo from that direction.


They must have found the two Ghertun. Hope filled me and I spun back around, quickly striding in that direction.

Arokan, Arokan.

I could see him soon. I could feel his arms wrapped around me. I could feel safe.

Those thoughts spurred me into a jog, wanting to see him, needing to see him.

The closer I got, I heard more Dakkari words filter through the forest. I was gaining on—

My breath left me when I was suddenly tackled from the side, the cool bulk of a Ghertun pinning me down.

I hit the ground hard and my burned, already injured shoulder knocked against a nearby boulder. I felt a pop at the joint.

My scream echoed through the forest.

“Human bitch,” the Ghertun leader hissed in my face, making to reach for the dagger in my hand, though I struggled underneath him. “You will pay for their lives.”

In the distance, I heard a roar shake the forest.

Relief. Arokan. I knew it was him.

That knowledge filled me with determination and I swiped out the dagger quickly, managing to cut down the leader’s arm. He hissed in surprise but when I made to stab his belly, he rolled off me to avoid it and I used that opportunity to jump to my feet.

I began to run—

Only to land facedown when he grabbed my ankle, my teeth chattering together, my lip splitting. My shoulder twinged and I cried out, feeling him grab higher on my leg.

I rolled and saw that the leader was trying to pull himself up. I kicked, thrashing. I connected with his face. His grip loosened on my legs. I kicked him again with my other leg, finally managing to break free.

I felt the ground begin to vibrate. I recognized it. I knew that the pyroki were approaching fast, a lot of them by the sounds of it. I heard the echo of it grow louder and louder.

I jumped to my feet and looked at the Ghertun leader lying on the earth. He seemed to recognize that his time was limited. He heard the Dakkari coming, same as I.

“Surrender,” I gasped, trying to catch my breath, holding out the dagger, keeping my eyes on him, “and your life might be spared.”

He let out that awful laugh. “Even you know that’s not true, human.” I tensed when his arms flexed, when he prepared to push off the ground. “I will take my chances with you.”

He lunged. Though I saw it coming, though I was ready, I Copyright 2016 - 2024