Captive - Cheryl Brooks Page 0,77

light aqua shot with gold, and the one high, narrow window was draped with silvery gauze. On a dais in the center of the room, a bathtub of polished blue and white stone was surrounded by a similar curtain.

Jaquet turned a golden knob on one end of the tub and steaming water poured from an ornate faucet. By the time she turned it off, the water was deep enough that all three of the Racks could have gone for a swim.

Klara had never seen so much clean water in one place in her life. “Isn’t that kind of wasteful?”

Medras set a thick, fluffy towel and a bar of soap on a low table by the tub. “Extravagant perhaps. Not wasteful. The water is filtered and recycled.” She pointed to a dome-shaped device hanging from the ceiling in the corner. “If you stand under that, the moisture in your hair will be reclaimed.”

“Glad to hear it.” She glanced at the Zuterans, who showed no inclination to withdraw. “If you’ll find me some clean clothes, I can take it from here.” When they hesitated, she added, “Don’t worry. I won’t try to escape.” Given the height and size of the window, this would have been difficult, if not impossible. The little bird-women might’ve managed to fly up there and crawl out if they’d had wings, but the smooth tiled walls wouldn’t have provided a toehold for a flekmouse.

The Zuterans left the room, although Klara assumed they hadn’t gone far. She caught a brief exchange with a gruff-voiced male before the door closed.

That would be my Nedwut guard, no doubt.

She’d dealt with enough Nedwuts to know they could be bought. Unfortunately, she had nothing to pay him with at that moment, unless he were to covet some of the furnishings. Somehow she couldn’t imagine that a Nedwut would yearn for any part of such feminine décor. Although he might have a girlfriend who would like it.

She slowly tilted her head to the side and raised a brow. In all the years she’d lived in this region, she’d never seen a female Nedwut. Not one. Surely there had to be such a thing. To her knowledge—which she had to admit was somewhat limited—no higher life forms reproduced asexually.

So where were they? Or were all the Nedwuts on Haedus Nine confirmed bachelors?

Or maybe Pelarus was holding their women hostage.


She focused on the possibilities as she stripped off her clothing—until the sheer bliss of sinking into a tub filled with warm clean water overwhelmed her.

“Damn… This is almost as good as sex with Moe.”

Not quite, but it ran a close second. She lay there thinking that nothing could improve upon the silky feel of water on her skin—until she tried the soap. Clouds of fragrant lather formed at the slightest touch of the bar to the water, becoming thicker and creamier with added friction. If it weren’t for Moe, Pelarus might have had her for the price of a bath, which was probably exorbitant.

She gave herself a mental slap. Am I so easily bought?

Not entirely, and not forever. But for the moment, she felt quite charitable toward her captor.

And to think, after all the years of being hunted like a dangerous criminal, Pelarus could’ve simply lured her into his lair with a full bathtub and a bar of soap.

A little food would be a nice touch too. A nice three or four course meal followed by a sweet, creamy dessert.

A little snard, perhaps?

I wish.

Even if she hadn’t been mated to Moe, she could never respond to Pelarus sexually. But she would’ve eaten his food and used his bathtub with no remorse whatsoever. Of course, that was undoubtedly his plan. Woo her with luxuries until her resistance waned because he obviously realized that acting like an asshole wasn’t getting him anywhere.

Yeah, right. While the inhabitants of the region are being starved into submission? I think not.

“I really need to talk to that Nedwut.” Her speech sounded languid even to her own ears.

Was there something in the water or the soap to make her feel drowsy and compliant? Pelarus probably had access to all manner of mind-altering drugs. Although from what she’d ever heard, they were too expensive to use on the entire population of Srekatoa. However, he would certainly have the wherewithal to pick and choose who he gave it to. Perhaps he used it on the Nedwuts whenever they got horny—just to keep them in line.

She lathered her hair, then took a deep breath and sank Copyright 2016 - 2024