Captive - Cheryl Brooks Page 0,73

unharmed, although I can’t promise you they will remain that way.”

“You slimy bastard. What the devil did I ever do to you?”

Bad question.

Pelarus leaned forward, steepling his fingers. “Apart from the constant acts of thievery, not much. Although you have made a point of thwarting my plans for you.”

Her outrage blossomed even further. “What right have you to make any plans for me?”

“I own this entire region?” His response might have sounded like a question, but in truth, there was no doubt about it. “Really, Klara. You could have saved us all so much trouble if you’d only come to me willingly.”

Klara would rather die than submit to that creep. However, she deemed it prudent to refrain from putting that sentiment into words. She drew herself up to her full height, gazing down at him with disdain. “I prefer my freedom.”

Pelarus sighed. “Freedom is such an overrated concept. Free to do what? Starve to death? Live in the toxic wasteland of the Barrens? Resort to a life of crime? Tell me, Klara, would life in my palace truly be so bad?”

“If I am a prisoner, yes. And if you’re looking for someone to produce an heir to your ‘throne,’ you should know that Zetithian women are species-specific. You would’ve had better luck with my mother.”

“Your mother…” As he spoke, his eyes left her face to focus on the surface of his desk where he drew patterns with a fingertip. “The one death I truly regret, particularly since it was unintentional.” His eyes sought Klara’s once again. “You were the target. Not she.”

She snorted with contempt. “You think I don’t know that? Why else would I have run away?”

“You were young and foolish?” Again, his question was more evocative of a statement of truth. “Perhaps it was best that you did since it enabled you to grow up to become even more stunningly beautiful than Delaroh.”

She stomped a foot in protest. “That’s a load of crap and you know it. My mother was gorgeous.”

“And you believe you are not?” He paused, his thin lips stretching into a slow, superior smile. “Tell me, Klara. Have you ever seen your own reflection?”

She had, albeit rarely, and even then, she’d only caught fleeting, usually distorted glimpses of herself. If she hadn’t known herself to be the only Zetithian woman on the planet, she never would have recognized her own image in the wanted posters. “What I look like is irrelevant, except as it pertains to my species. You and I are not compatible in any way.”

His haughty smile never wavered. “We don’t have to be. As long as I am in control, you have no choice.”

Despite the thinly veiled threat, she caught herself smiling. “You might not be in control for much longer. I haven’t studied the history of other worlds, but I can’t help but see that oppression gives rise to rebellion. Your downfall will come. It’s only a matter of time.”

“Every regime ends at some point,” he conceded with an indifferent shrug. “You must realize that with or without a rebellion, this world cannot sustain life much longer. But until that time comes, I will be in control. These pathetic Haedusians are no match for my army.”

“Some army,” she scoffed. “Did you know I’ve been paying off your Nedwut soldiers?”

“I am aware of everything that transpires in this territory, Klara. There are no secrets.”

“Hmm…” If he didn’t know about the women’s organization, she certainly wasn’t going to be the one to enlighten him. “How did you know where we were, and what the hell have you done with my friends?”

“We’re back to that, are we?” he said with a touch of weariness. “Really, Klara. If you insist on strolling down the avenue in plain sight, someone loyal to me will see you. My spies are everywhere. Once we flushed you out of one house, your next move was easy to predict. As for your friends, they are unharmed. If you want them to stay that way, you will cooperate.”

“And what exactly does that cooperation entail?”

“Tell the female rebels to stand down. Their rebellion cannot succeed.” Another mocking smile heralded the remainder of his demands. “And, of course, become my wife.”

The wife part nearly choked her, but his knowledge of the imminent rebellion shocked her even more. “Who said anything about a rebellion? I’m guessing that, like me, everyone on this planet is just trying to survive. Water is scarce and hardly anything grows here. I’d always assumed this world was either dying Copyright 2016 - 2024