Captive - Cheryl Brooks Page 0,37

dismay. “Are you saying you don’t trust me to come back for you? You wound me, Klara. You truly do.”

A slight tilt of her head revealed her uncertainty. “I–I trust you. I just”—she paused to suck in a breath—“don’t think you should go anywhere alone and unprotected.” Her tone gained conviction as she went on. “Don’t forget what you said about Pelarus seeing you as his competition.”

“You actually believe I’m right about that?” he asked, pleased yet doubtful.

“I hate to admit it, but you probably are.” Her tight-lipped smile demonstrated how much that admission cost her. “You’re conspicuous enough as it is, and with the locals willing to do almost anything if it means an extra credit or two, you can bet someone will report your whereabouts to Pelarus. The way they were taking bets on that fight you were in, I’m amazed we actually got out of the bar without interference.”

“Speaking of which, how did you get me out of there?” Moe asked. With a glance at Nexbit, he added, “You could probably carry me for a little while, but I’m guessing you can’t morph into a speeder. At least, not one that actually works.”

“No, I can’t,” Nexbit said with apparent regret. “We had a speeder.”

“Note his use of the past tense,” Temfilk said, grumbling. “It was in the shed attached to the back of our hideout, which was where those cursed Nedwuts started the fire. Must’ve figured they could catch us more easily on foot. It’s probably nothing but ashes now.”

Klara groaned. “When I think what it took to keep that thing running, it makes me want to blast those creeps even more.”

“We’re really gonna miss that speeder, even if it was nothing but a patched-up hunk of junk.” Temfilk let out a mournful sigh. “It’s a long, hot walk to the market.”

Moe grinned. “Well, unless somebody stole mine, which is a definite possibility, it’s still sitting outside that bar.”

Temfilk leaped to his feet and raised his hands over his head, pressing his palms together as though in prayer. “Thanks be to Leon! That’s the first good news I’ve heard all morning.” Grabbing Moe’s hand, he gave it a vigorous shake. “I knew you’d be an asset to the team. I just knew it!”

“Left it locked down tight?” Nexbit said hopefully.

“Sure did,” Moe replied as he extricated himself from the Norludian’s grasp. “Although Nevid might’ve stolen that along with the ship. I made the mistake of adding him to the security list, and you all know where trusting him got me. I really should’ve known better. His betrayal is just one more thing to piss me off.”

Except he wasn’t pissed off. He was actually more irritated than angry, which was surprising given the gravity of their predicament. He couldn’t even attribute this new attitude to the fun and games he and Klara had enjoyed during the night because his anger had been gradually dissipating ever since…

To be honest, he wasn’t sure exactly when the change began, but it had to be since Klara had captured him, and he’d been plenty ticked off at her in the beginning.

Maybe it started when she hissed at me.

The second time, perhaps. The first time had been right before she shot him. He didn’t think that one should count. Not unless he had some deep, underlying desire to be gunned down by a woman in a dark cloak. Even if she was a gorgeous Zetithian with incredible neon-blue, dark-rimmed eyes and a fascinating orange streak in her curly black hair.

No. That couldn’t possibly be it.

He’d never been hung up on a woman in his life. Except maybe the crush he’d had on Althea while they were growing up, and he wasn’t the only one of his brothers to feel that way about her. That Larry had always been her favorite caused a tiny bit of friction between them, but he didn’t think—

“Don’t go dwelling on that now,” Temfilk advised. “It’ll only make you mad and you’ll wind up in another fight. We don’t have time for that. You must think positively.”

How anyone in Temfilk’s position could find the slightest reason for optimism was nothing short of amazing. Although it probably did explain why he was still alive.

“You’re right,” Moe finally said. “I’ll do my best to hold a good thought.”

Good thoughts were easy enough to come by. One whiff of Klara, and he’d be feeling better in no time. Her scent was soothing and stimulating at the same time. Unfortunately, she must not Copyright 2016 - 2024