Captive - Cheryl Brooks Page 0,25


She swallowed again. The moment had passed along with the urge. Perhaps she’d imagined the whole thing. “They’re all busy. Staying alive takes a lot of effort.”

“Someday soon, you won’t have to think about that anymore. You’ll be able to live without having to struggle to survive. You’ll have other things to occupy your mind.”

She huffed out a breath. “I can’t imagine what those other things might be.”

He shrugged. “Making a home for yourself somewhere. Somewhere safe. Somewhere you don’t have to live each day wondering when the Nedwuts will finally catch you napping. Having the opportunity to discover what it’s like to do things you actually enjoy instead of the things forced upon you by your situation. Earning a living rather than having to steal to keep from starving. Those are just a few of the—”

“You were right.” She’d blurted out the words before she knew what she was saying. “Pelarus wants me the way he wanted my mother. At least, that’s what some of the Nedwuts have told me. I’ve had to pay off some of them more than once. That last group was different, though. I think Pelarus may have figured out why all the thugs he’s sent after me haven’t been successful and hired new hunters.” With a shrug, she continued. “Of course, they were as easily bribed as any of the others. Taking real money instead of the promise of a reward appeals to them.” She leaned forward, clasping her hands in front of her. “He should’ve figured that out by now.”

“Maybe he’s too stupid to think of a better way to catch you.”

She glanced at Moe as he spoke. He was sitting quietly in a straight-backed wooden chair. Why then, was he so…fascinating? He’d caught her eye even while sitting at a table in the bar. Now that she knew more about him, he was more captivating than ever. He even smelled good—unlike her, which he’d been gracious enough not to mention when they’d been discussing her lack of proper hygiene. Had she simply given up and become Pelarus’s concubine, she would’ve had sufficient food and drink, perhaps even enough water to bathe now and then. If only she didn’t find him so repulsive, aside from the fact that he was old enough to be her father, she might have consented.

“Pelarus is many things,” she said. “But he’s not unintelligent, although he’s more of a bully than a mastermind. He does have power, however, and he uses that power to intimidate the locals. I’ve watched him sometimes. The way he talks to them…he never stops talking. Never gives them the opportunity to say a word to oppose him. He just keeps right on telling the same lies over and over again until they have no choice but to agree. This place where we live…the Barrens. The way I heard it, he’s the reason no one lives here. Two factions opposed him. They would’ve cooperated and taken him down if he hadn’t turned them against one another. Then he cut off their water supply, and those who hadn’t already died of the wounds they received in battle died from dehydration. Water is like currency here. It’s also a bargaining chip or a form of coercion, and Pelarus controls most of it. He is much despised, but there doesn’t seem to be anything that can be done to stop him.”

To her surprise, Moe actually let out a sigh of apparent relief. “Thank the gods,” he exclaimed. “At last, someone I can vent my anger on with no regrets.”

“Your anger?”

He laughed. “Why else would I take on a full-grown Herp in a barroom brawl? I was angry, and I’ve been angry for months.” His next sigh was more regretful than relieved. “I sure wish I knew why.”

“That sort of behavior isn’t normal for you?”

“Not really. But the reason for that is a question for another day. Better get some rest while you still can.” He actually smiled—a smile that affected her almost as much as his rumbling breathing had done. “Don’t worry. I’ll wake you if any Nedwuts come calling.”

Nodding, she rose from the sofa. “I’m sure you will.” She glanced toward the doorway, realizing she would have to pass by him to reach it. What would happen if she touched him in passing? Let her fingers trail through his long, curly locks? His hair would probably feel the same as hers. Nothing special about it, except that it was part of him. She’d touched him before—had Copyright 2016 - 2024