Captain Jones's Temptation - Audrey Harrison Page 0,54

you said the words, or this could be tricky.”

Lydia laughed. “I am now afraid of what foolishness I have uttered.”

“You mentioned you wished you could adopt Isabella,” Matthew said.

The expression on Lydia’s face was of shock. “Is it possible? Have you arranged that we can?”

“Yes. If you want to.”

“Oh! Of course I want to! This is wonderful news! How on earth did you manage it?”

Matthew smiled, relieved and glad that he had understood she had meant what she said. “It was Jones really. I merely asked him to ask the questions. I think there has been a little toing and froing over the last few weeks, but it has been decided. We are to receive a sum of money that will give her a reasonable dowry and provide for her initial upkeep, but then the cost of keeping her will fall to us.”

“We shall be a family from the very start! Thank you. Oh, thank you so much! You have given a young girl the best future she could possibly have. You are so very good.” Lydia leaned across and kissed Matthew warmly. They had shared kisses over the last weeks, but always at Matthew’s instigation. This time it was Lydia who put her hands on his cheeks and touched his lips with hers. “Thank you.”

After Matthew had persuaded her that deepening the kiss was a pleasant way to spend the next ten minutes, he eventually stopped the kisses with a groan. “I am so glad it is only two days until our wedding. I think I might explode if it were any longer.”

“Can I go and break the news to Isabella?” Lydia asked, trying to straighten her hair in the looking-glass.

“Yes. Please do. She will need to be ready to leave at the same time as us after the wedding breakfast.”

Lydia kissed Matthew on the cheek. “Sleep now, you wonderful man.” Leaving him, she went immediately to the nursery and, sitting Isabella down, she explained what was happening.

The child listened to what Lydia had said, remaining quiet until Lydia asked her if she had any questions.

“Does this mean you are to be my mama?”

“Yes. And Captain Dunn is to be your papa.”

Isabella burst into tears, at which Lydia scooped her up into her arms. “I thought you would be happy.”

“I am,” Isabella choked out. “I always wanted a mama and papa to live with. Now I’ve got one and I don’t need to feel lonely ever again. You won’t send me to school, will you, Mama?”

“Didn’t you like Miss Hardy’s school?” Lydia asked. A lump formed in her throat at the realisation that the child had immediately accepted her as her mother.

“Oh yes, but I have never had a real home, and I don’t want to leave it when I get one. I won’t have to, will I? I promise I will be very good.”

“You are always good, Isabella. If you want to stay at home so much, you certainly can do.”

“Oh, thank you!” Isabella kissed Lydia and, wrapping her arms around her neck, she whispered, “I love you, Mama.”

“I love you too, my sweet girl,” Lydia said, knowing that Isabella would be as precious as any children she gave birth to in the future. A future. She had not thought to have an unpleasant one, but how things had changed! Her life was filled with hope and happiness, and it seemed a bit of adventure too. Kissing Isabella’s cheek, she smiled. She had never been happier.


Walking into the dining room later, where everyone was gathered, Lydia crossed immediately to where Samuel was sitting. Although her cheeks burned, she bent down and kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you,” she said quietly.

Samuel was astounded and a little touched at the action, but smiled in a roguish way. “There is still time to change your mind, Miss Bolton. If you should wish to marry a far superior specimen to Dunn, I am still available.”

“You will have a fight on your hands if she did,” Matthew said.

“Are we to know the cause of this brazen behaviour?” Sophie asked, but there was no censure in her words; she looked highly amused.

Matthew explained what changes there were to be for the new family. Esther immediately stood and embraced Lydia.

“You will be perfect parents for her,” she said. She touched Samuel’s shoulder. “You must have worked hard in convincing whoever needed to be persuaded to get this result. Well done.”

“I could get used to complete adoration,” Samuel said, aiming his words at Matthew. “Any Copyright 2016 - 2024