Captain Jones's Temptation - Audrey Harrison Page 0,51

to join you in September. I know I should be there to support you. I could perhaps ask Captain Dunn to remain in the area for a few months, just until things have settled down?”

Esther smiled, shaking her head. “I would not expect that of anyone, but thank you for considering it. You will be married by then, and it is right to follow your husband. Go with my blessing. Yes, I will miss you, but I am so very happy for you, Lydia. I truly am. Now, Sophie, who do you use to make your finest gowns?”

Chapter 15

“Marriage? Did you take a knock to the head as well as a bullet?” Samuel asked incredulously.

Matthew rolled his eyes; it was the only part that did not hurt on moving. “The appropriate response is ‘Congratulations, Dunn, you have picked yourself a beautiful wife.’”

“I can see your attraction. She was by far the most pleasing out of the group we had the misfortune to spend time with. Misses Hardy and Bolton were the only ones to save my sanity, but marriage is a little extreme, don’t you think?”

“No, I do not. Is it really too hard to understand? I’ve fallen in love, and I do not want to leave her behind when we return to London. I’d be marrying by special licence, but she wants her family to join us, which is not unreasonable. Can you organise things on my behalf, please? Oh, and I am looking for different employment when I return.”

“And you decided to tell me such a major piece of news as an offhand comment?” Samuel was stunned that he was now losing Matthew’s companionship. It had seemed bad enough when Miles left them, but now Matthew was going to abandon him as well. It left him feeling bereft.

“I need something that will bring in more blunt. I will hopefully have a family to raise before too long.”

“Urgh. And I’ll be forced to be an honorary uncle, no doubt.”

“Of course.”

“With your besotted expression, I shall prepare to be surrounded by brats.”

“Accept it as an inevitable situation for your future. There is no point trying to rail against it.”

“It seems I have little choice,” Samuel said. “Shall I include your wish to seek employment elsewhere when I send my next missive to the powers that be?”

“Yes, but could you also ask them something else? I have not yet spoken to Miss Bolton about this, but I would rather explore the possibility before mentioning anything to her.”

“I am all ears, my friend.”


Sophie entered the drawing room to find Samuel sealing a letter.

“Would it be possible for one of your servants to send this express, please?” he asked.

“Of course,” Sophie said, ringing the bell pull. “I was surprised you weren’t joining the ladies on their excursion into town.”

“As most of the time I would find myself either standing outside milliners or haberdashery establishments, I thought I would forgo the pleasure.”

Sophie smiled, waiting until the servant who had entered was given instructions by Samuel and left the room. “It is a pleasant walk down to the church of St John’s.”

“And you are telling me this because … ?”

“Oh, just that Esther will be visiting there after completing her shopping,” Sophie said. “It is the first time since her arrival here that she has felt strong enough to tend the grave.”

“There was ill feeling between mother and daughter?”

“Not at all. Quite the opposite, in fact, but Esther holds on to a lot of guilt about her mother’s death. She is being foolish, of course, but there is no convincing her otherwise. I never expected her to be as stubborn as she is. She has managed to surprise me since her return.”

“You seem very sure in your opinions.” Samuel was annoyed that Sophie was making presumptions and seemed to be a little dismissive of Esther’s feelings. The fact that he suspected she was aware of his own feelings towards Esther did not help to ease his aggravation.

“I am not blind. But the choice is yours. It is her intention to go alone. Your arrival would be a comfort to her, even if you are arguing with her. If you do not wish to go, don’t. It is nothing to me.”

Sophie did not wait for a response, leaving Samuel alone in the room. He balled his fist and stared at it for a long time. The morning had been like a nightmare. Realising he would be losing yet another friend, even though he was happy Matthew Copyright 2016 - 2024